The Frog Handoff - Part Deux

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Marina Scarr

Lifetime Member
Jan 2, 2008
Sarasota, FL





Soon after copulating, the male swallow-tailed kite tried 3x to hand off the frog to his wifey during a fly by of the top perch. If you haven't seen the series from the first thread, the link is here: Each time he failed, so he devised a new plan of action. Here are the captures of the scheme he hatched. Smart bird!

Canon 1D4, Canon 500 & 2x @ 1000mm
F10, 1/800sec, ISO 640, manual mode
Feisol tripod, Jobu head

Comments and critiques are always most welcomed and much appreciated.
Hello Marina,

This is superb - my favourite frame is no 2, lovely eye contact between the two subjects there, awesome capture... and what a great follow up to the first thread!

Love the framing and interaction, lovely clean BG, frames well exposed and composed... I cannot thank you enough for sharing this - so special, extremely interesting capture of the behaviour of this species... and yes, a very smart bird indeed:)

Been hoping to see images like this in Story Sequences Forum, it is happening now and I am so thrilled... thank you so much for finding the time to participate with such amazing sightings, this is truly awesome Marina:5

Warmest regards,

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