Marsh Supremacy, Episode 2

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John Hackney

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2015
Sparks, NV
This is a continuation from Episode 1

Northern Harrier-98.jpg

Northern Harrier-100.jpg

Northern Harrier-102.jpg

Northern Harrier-105.jpg

Northern Harrier-106.jpg

This appears to be a reversal of the fortunes from Episode 1. I stayed around for a few minutes after they disappeared into the reeds but saw no other activity.
Just cropping and sharpening were done on these as evidenced by the noise in the background.
Hello John!

This is even more dramatic than the previous sequence!

Amazing battle and I like all frames - very well chosen and great continuation of the story. Well concluded with the two protagonists plunging into the vegetation, their talons together still, regardless of the risks!

John, where were you all those months, since we started this Forum? :bg3: I am enjoying your contribution, so much! Have you more?

Really appreciate your efforts and time to process a umber of images! Wonderful work, thank you so much for sharing:5

Kind regards,
Thank you Gabriela.

I didn't even notice the forum.:e3

I think I have run out of sequences. I will always look for the opportunities though.

I posted a composite of the the first episode in the OOTB forum. Unfortunately this sequence overlaps heavily and will not work as a composite.
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Thank you John, I understand.

Will have a look at the composite:)

It was a great pleasure to view your Story Sequences, just keep this Forum in mind next time you go places:w3

Warmest regards,

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