An ID Challenge for Wessel

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Arthur Morris

Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
Indian Lake Estates, FL
Hi Wessel and all,

Here is a tough ID challenge. This first winter gull was photographed in mid-February in Rausu, Japan, a melting pot for a great variety of gull species and hybrids.


  • gull-_R7A1212-Rausu,-Hokkaido,-Japan.jpg
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Hi Arthur, The snowy brightness around the featured gull did not contribute to an easy identification, it is an awesome image though!
This is indeed a first cycle gull, these large brown ones require ageing first. Considering the anchor markings on mantle and scapulars, pale edged tertials, predominantly white
greater coverts, white head, particularly behind the ear coverts this image matches Vega Gull / Larus vegae.
A confusion species might be Caspian Gull / Larus cachinnans ssp mongolicus, but this gull lacks the "gonys" on its lower mandible.

Greetings, Wessel
Thanks Wessel. I posted this image to a big shot gull ID site and opinions were widely varied but some did mention Vega and Mongolicus. So I am already impressed by your knowledge.

While remembering that I am no expert at gull ID, I would ask, is there anything here the rules out a lighter than usual first cycle Slaty-backed Gull? a
Hi Arthur, I am sorry for having kept you waiting. I kind of sympathize with your suggestion first cycle Slaty-backed Gull, but still..
The anchor marks are very well visible and fit Vega Gull. In my view this is a distinctive key ID feature. Perhaps you might have shot another image to have a close look at of the same bird, in flight for example?
I can vividly imagine that opinions vary on this one this one.

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