Leaving the nest...


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Joseph Przybyla

BPN Member
Jan 6, 2014
Lakeland, FL
Circlle B Bar-2016_04_21--167-Edit.jpg

Circlle B Bar-2016_04_21--168-Edit.jpg

Circlle B Bar-2016_04_21--169-Edit.jpg

Circlle B Bar-2016_04_21--170-Edit.jpg

Circlle B Bar-2016_04_21--171-Edit.jpg

I captured this images of a male Pileated Woodpecker leaving the nest where there are two chicks. The light is a bit bright, but that is Florida. Sun rises and poof it is bright. Comments and critique welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for viewing.

Nikon D7000
Nikon 80-400mm F/4.5-5.6 VRII AF-S ED shot at 400mm (600mm FFE)
1/2000 F/8 Matrix Metering +1/3 EV AWB, camera supported by a monopod
Post processed in Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC
Cropped for composition and presentation
Joseph, this is AWESOME! Tack sharp and the colours are superb!

Would you believe I thought of asking you whether you had a sequence of images from this sighting, only minutes ago? I was viewing your post in the Avian Forum and thought it would be great to see more!

I am so pleased and so excited to see this, thank you so much for sharing. My favourite is frame no 2, there's something so cute and so special about the way the Woodpecker makes its exit from the nest:)

I so appreciate this, many many thanks. Hope the other members visiting this Forum will enjoy it too:w3

Warmest regards,
Joe,this is such a lovely set of pictures well done on getting woody so sharp. Love that exit shot looks like a champange cork about to pop.
cheers for sharing Joe
take care


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