Reddish Egret chasing fish

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Allen Sparks

Well-known member
Dec 24, 2009
Memphis, TN
Reddish Egret 1 - BPN.jpg

Reddish Egret 2 - BPN.jpg

Reddish Egret 3 - BPN.jpg

Reddish Egret 4 - BPN.jpg

These images are from Ding Darling NWR on Sanibel Island, Florida. I watched this egret catch tiny fish until a school of bigger fish must have moved in as the bird seemed to get very excited. The chase was on as the bird danced and flew on the tidal flat hunting these fish. The fish took to the air trying to escape and I snapped the three shots you see here with fish out of the water. In the end, the egret did catch one of the bigger fish. As you see in the last image, the fish did not give up easily and locked onto the beak of the bird. The bird had to drop the fish and catch it again before swallowing it. A great sight to see at this national wildlife refuge.
Dear Allen,

This is amazing! Superb timing and I gather you had some nice techs too, sharp and very well exposed, great DOF, lovely natural colours - CONGRATULATIONS!

Wonderful story Allen and three gorgeous behavioural frames, second one my favourite because of its unusual content. The eye contact between the egret and its victim is just awesome and creates great tension and anticipation of what is going to happen next. Lots of drama! Superb HA from both bird and fish with the eyes visible, wow you really nailed this, my friend!!!

A great sighting indeed, I just wish more members would be so kind to share their impressions on the stunning Sequences in this Forum as there is obviously some interest and lots of views. Thank you so much for sharing, I so appreciate it, enjoyed viewing, tremendously:5

Warmest regards,
There is some great action happening here. I love the fish in the first frame "flying" straight toward the bird. I am finding it hard to pick a favourite, but I do like the last one with the fish latched onto the beak. All frames are wonderful and tell a wonderful story!
That is just fantastic, you sometimes you look at these things as movies but for me the individual shots seem more powerful - lets see some more - easier said than done:cheers:

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