Taking the plunge


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John Hackney

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2015
Sparks, NV
A Wilson's Phalarope in non-breeding colors, lifted the exposure, white balance, a little sharpening and noise reduction, white point and black point adjusting, lift shadows and reduce highlights, no crop, removed a feather that was in the background.
Canon 7D2, EF 100-400 Mk 2 + EF 1.4TX mk 3 at 504mm, 1/1600 ss, f/11, ISO 400, 500 and 800 in order

Wilson's Phalarope-27.jpg

Wilson's Phalarope-28.jpg

Wilson's Phalarope-29.jpg

No catch or it was consumed before the bird came up from the plunge.

This bird is normally found swimming on the water picking of insects at of a little below the surface. They will often do a dervish to stir up food. This one was the only one around and was flocking with Least, Western, Baird's and Pectoral Sandpipers.
This is just lovely, John:cheers:

Well exposed and nice colours, some nice shutter speed to freeze action too:)

Thank you for sharing the EXIF, this is a first in this Forum and I truly appreciate it.

A simple but very effective sequence of events, frames well processed and composed. Those two droplets of water add lots of interest.

An exciting sequence, however - I am left wanting for more:) Have you more from this sighting?

Thank you so much for sharing, I so appreciate it. Due to unforeseen circumstances I have been unable to post lately. Nevertheless, I take great pleasure viewing and I hope to surprise you with some images soon.

Keep posting please:5

Warmest regards,
I have a couple more from other plunges but none came out in a good sequence like this one. I may have cut off the sequence with the plunges as I try to keep the head in focus. Need to work that out for this type of action.

I have found getting water droplets and even water running off of the subject to be much more interesting as it suggests action in just one shot.

Looking forward to encountering more sequences and posting them.
More plunge shots

Wilson's Phalarope-22.jpg

Wilson's Phalarope-24.jpg

Wilson's Phalarope-26.jpg

Quite fun and challenging to figure which was the bird was going to go.

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