Saturation Boost when Saving For Web

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David Cowling

Well-known member
Dec 2, 2014
Norfolk. UK
I am using a colour calibrated monitor (Datacolor Spyder 3) and PS6. I am finding that when I save an image using Save for Web there is a colour saturation boost compared to the image in Photoshop. When I view the image in Windows Image viewer the saturation boost is very apparent and is carried over into a posted image on the forums. I have just posted an image of a Cock Pheasant in Avian and although nobody has mentioned it I do not like the oversaturated look of the image compared to how I set the saturation levels in Photoshop. It appears to me that the monitor calibration is not consistent on different viewing platforms of the computor. The colours are consistent when printing from photoshop and when converting for Digital Image viewing using Photoshop to resize and convert the image to JPG. I am using Windows 8.1. Any observations or suggestions would be most welcome. I am using Google Chrome as my default browser.
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you need to embed the color profile when saving your file in PS. google it.

Also windows 8.1/10 photo viewer is garbage, it tries to "correct" your photos by boosting the color/contrast/saturation. use a different photo viewer
Hi Arash. Thanks for responding. I have tried googling as you suggested and it is a minefield of conflicting advice! Here is what I do.

Tiff file working profile RGB. Save for Web

Optimised Checked
Embeded Colour Profile Checked
Convert to sRGB Checked

I am confident that my monitor is correctly calibrated having checked it with Roger Clarkes' earlier posting.

Any advice on a better photo viewer most welcome.

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Hi David, Try converting the file to sRGB before saving it for the web when you are ready to save the file go to edit and pick convert to profile from the drop down menu and convert it to the sRGB color space. If there is a color shift you will see it and be able to correct it. But honesty there is very rarely a color shift more then likely its something going on with your browser have you tried viewing your images on a different browser or platform.
What happens David when you have the file ready to go to Save for Web if you:

Edit > Convert to Profile > then go to Save for Web

Covert to Profile
Working Space is set to Adobe RGB
Destination Space is set to sRGB...

If you use LR you can bypass all this.

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