Juvenile Northern Pintail at the Bosque del Apache


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Jim Keener

BPN Member
Nov 6, 2013
Idyllwild, California
Greetings. I think this is a juvenile, though it might be a mature female. I think, though, that because of the ill-defined darker brown on the bird's head, it is a juvenile.Want to help with that?

I was taking instruction at the Bosque del Apache during the Festival of the Cranes. The best of all possible worlds. Just inside the beginning of the tour loop is a small pond that was dominated by Northern pintails, which were flying in from a larger pond across a road.


Canon 5D IV, 600mm f/4 II
1/2000, f/4, ISO 125

Basic modifications in LR. Unsharp mask subject; NR in Nik dFine in PS.
Jim, nice shot, good light, nice catchlight and decent BG. I might add just a tiny bit more contrast but that's it.
From what I Googled looks like an immature pintail, drake or hen I couldn't tell you for sure.

Thanks, Tim. Especially for taking the time to check the bird's ID. Contrast. I think you mean on the subject. I played around with more blurring and brightening of the BG, and the distinction looked a bit artificial. I'll go to work on the subject.
Hi Jim, nice shot. I like pintails favorite of the ducks. Not sure about Id when they molt look so different .I think it is a mature female.Back ground is busy for me. Nothing you can do about that.It's what you get sometimes.
Hi Jim -- agree with Tim just a bit more contrast. I really like the landing pose here and the 'S' neck. Nice look at the wings and eye. BG is a bit busy but I'd be pretty happy with this. TFS
Thanks, Alex. As my teacher says, the background is often the majority of a photograph's real estate. And this BG is not working. I spent considerably more time with this and haven't liked any of the results. Takeaway: Be certain the BG is useable and works for the photograph before proceeding. So I suppose it was worth it.

Thanks to all.
Jim...I agree with your teacher. The bg is as important as the subject. I think of the bg as my canvas. If I can't find a good bg I will usually walk away. I do like the wing position and the sharpness of the shot. Keep shooting!

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