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Ann Gray

Well-known member
Mar 14, 2016
camera: Olympus OMD EM1 II, panasonic 100-400 mm lens

ISO 400 focal length 400mm

1/250sec, f/ 6.3

photo not cropped....
Birds on the Rapahannock river, Virginia
osprey (1 of 1)-2.jpg
Hi Ann, Looks like you were nice and close, unfortunatley the image is soft and it looks like you were dealing with some harsh light.
Try bumping up the shutter speed, f-stop for greater depth of field and ISO to compensate. It looks like you also did some cloning on the background, take your time and you'll get better results.
Looking forward to seeing more.

Hi Ann.. Always try to keep your shutter speed egual to or greater than the focal length you are shooting with. If you have the lens zoomed out to 400 mm then your shutter speed should be at least 1/400 sec or greater. F5.6 for one bird is fine bit when you have two you will usually need f8 or f11 depending on how close you are. Raise the ISO if necessary! Keep them coming! I will look for your post and help if I Can
Hi Ann, Good suggestions above. Also, be sure to have Highlight Alert enabled on your camera and then get in the habit of checking it. This image is way over-exposed and the WHITEs are toasted. And I agree that this is a rare chance to get so close. Now get out and make some more images!

with love, artie

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