House Finch

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Vaughn Stamm

Active member
Dec 12, 2015
Northern IL.
House Finch taken near my backyard feeder, shot thru a house window. Nikon d500, Nikon 200-500Vr lens, mono-pod/ball head, 1/500, f5.6, 500mm, 1800 ISO.
House Finch.JPG

Comments welcomed.
Vaughn welcome to BPN. Finch is a little on the soft side.Maybe a faster shutter speed would help or some pressure down on the lens to steady.Also if you shot at the longest focal point the lens may not be as sharp. A few degrees head angle would also be nice.Keep working at it.
Kevin; Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I did try to place firm pressure on the end of the lens to sharpen the image. Agreed that I may be better off going with a faster shutter to help in this regard also. Sharpness is the one aspect I have been trying to improve on. Of course shooting thru a double thermo-paned window certainly can't help in this regard either!
Vaughn, it certainly looks like you are starting to get closer to your subjects. I like the colors of that bird and it sounds like you'll get many chances at it from different angles and lighting if it visits your backyard feeder. What is the green and white tent looking material in the background?
Noel; I never even paid that close of attention to that portion! The only items in that area behind the subject would have been a white house or a wooden fence panel. I can't tell because of the bokeh(Sp?).
Vaughn, eye looks sharp, colors seem a bit off and a bit of noise in the BG.
Sorry it took so long to reply I've had a bad cold.


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