1 DX- 1 image overexposed during burst


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gail bisson

Lifetime Member
May 6, 2011
Nova Scotia
For my helpful BPN'ers,
My camera is on its way to CPS for repair but I am wondering if anyone can give me a clue as to what the problem might be.
When I shoot a burst of images (in Manual, AI Servo high speed) one or two images are over-exposed in the sequence of images. There has been no change in the ambient light. I am thinking the mirror is getting stuck for a millisecond?? I called CPS 1 week ago and they told me to use the camera in P (automatic) with different lenses (which I did) but I was unable to reproduce the problem. I then shot today with my 600 mm and the problem recurred.
I did slip and fall with the camera prior to this issue and hit the top of the camera (and hotshoe) on the ice but this problem did not start until 1 week later.
Any ideas?
sounds like shutter curtain failure to me. you need to test the camera in full manual mode to rule out the camera's meter changing the exposure between shots.

exposure is determined by the time the shutter is open not the mirror

Any ways if it is going to CPS they will figure it out.
Just an update. The camera was fine as per CPS so now have sent in the 600mm to them to see if problem lies there. Will update with their findings!
Final update!
The problem was with the lens. It needs a new electronic diopter? I think I am saying that correctly. Part is only $59.00 so I am happy about that!
I am off to Florida so will be using lens a lot. Technicians said that shooting in cold weather can unmask an issue with the diopter. I was in Minnesota at - 29F and it was the week after that trip that I noticed the issue.

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