FoCal micro Adjustment calibration tool

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kevin Hice

Well-known member
Dec 24, 2013
Waynesville, Ohio, United States
Has any one used the FoCal micro adjustment? I have the Lens align and find it to be rather hard in setting up. Also I have limited space as I do it in the basement. I need to do it inside as living in ND environment hard to do outside with the wind factor.Also with either version can u align the lens at a shorter distance with a converter I run out of distance in the house.
Hi Kevin, before investing your time in doing MA. make sure you actually need MA. there is a lot of misinformation on the net about this topic. In most cases MA is not needed. I had Canon for over a decade, never had to MA any of my lenses except for a couple of zooms. now that I have Nikon I find the same to be true, i.e. I do not need any MA.
Thanks Arash. I read your post and article. Very interesting I am my own worse enemy. I have known for sometime that my shutter speeds are way too low. Even at ISO eight hundred I will try and lower the ISO knowing that the 5D Mark 1V does well. Know matter where I am at always have the need to lower the ISO thinking I can get by with a slower shutter speed. I will try and reverse coarse. Thanks again.
Hi Kevin, I disagree with my friend Arash. I find AFA values of more than +/-2 to be significant. I have posted lots of 80-400 VR images (AFA +5) recently on the blog that are all beyond super sharp. And I will be posting 500 PF images with both the TC-E14 and the TC-17 that are sharp as well (though not as sharp as the 80-400 alone images ...)

with love, artie

ps: SoCal sucks as there is no True Parallel Alignment. I use LensAlign/FocusTune with excellent results. Also, to learn to use those correctly, see my eGuide here.

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