Tawny Frogmouths


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Bruce Hornsey

Jan 8, 2018
Adelaide, South Australia
got my eye on you (2).JPG


These guys inhabit Thalassa Park in Adelaide, South Australia. Captured this shot with Canon 5D Mark 111 with 400mm f/4.5 L lens at 5.29pm on the 6th March 1/1250 sec ISO320. Post processing has got more details from the shadows around the eyes but still far from ideal. Glad to get any comments thanks.
Bruce, Very unique bird to bad about the branches and shadows. Try a bit more DOF and wait for a better angle if possible.
Also try to have the light at your back, looking forward to your next post.

Bruce...You should consider cropping both sides of the picture out leaving only the subject. Also, Try another day when the sky is overcast too eliminate shadows on your subject. Too many branches in this spot. Always try to keep things as simple as possible elimating whenever possible whatever does not add to your subject. Good luck .! I hope to see your next post!

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