Hatchery Falls in Winter


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Andrew McLachlan

Landscapes Moderator
Staff member
Sep 5, 2010
Thornton, Ontario
Hatchery Falls_9808.jpg

An early morning scene at Hatchery Falls on the Skeleton River near Rosseau, Ontario. I created this image using my Laowa 12mm Zero D Lens during my recently concluded winter waterfall workshop. A little luminosity masking was used to optimize this image as well.

Nikon D800
Laowa 12mm Zero D Lens
Polarizing filter
ISO 50
f16 at 1/3 sec
Tripod mounted
3 second exposure delay used in place of cable release.

Looking g forward to comments and suggestions.
Hi Andrew. This is quite beautiful..! great composition and shutter speed. For someone having to put up with Australia's summer heat, this is very inviting. My only suggestions (and its nit picking really), its looks a little cool in the tones (intentional?) and I think to lower overall brightness and push the contrast a little more makes it easier on my eyes. just a suggestion really to see what you think...

I do see overall color cast on the Ice. I am not sure that work well. Like the colors in the background (reflections from mountains)

I like to see how this image look when the bluish cast is removed.

For me this is a stunning image Andrew---it has so many outstanding elements that come to gather perfectly ---the filigree of the ice crust and the ripple detail in the snow drifts are perfectly exposed with the composition leading the eye to the delicate sunset glow behind the trees in the background. And the different areas of blurred flow really lead the eye up and along the creek. The cold grey/blue of the snowy overhangs along the creek and the smoother flows of water create the mood of a cold winter afternoon that helps make this image so outstanding.TFS<script type="text/javascript" src="safari-extension://com.ebay.safari.myebaymanager-QYHMMGCMJR/c3d60d9a/background/helpers/prefilterHelper.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="safari-extension://com.ebay.safari.myebaymanager-QYHMMGCMJR/c3d60d9a/background/helpers/prefilterHelper.js"></script>

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