High speed sync flash unit for Canon 5D Mk4.


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David Cowling

Well-known member
Dec 2, 2014
Norfolk. UK
Could I please have some advice for a suitable flash unit with high speed sync capability to use on a Canon 5D Mk4 mounted with a 100-400 Mk2. I am often trying to photograph small birds in shady/dull conditions and would like to use fill flash to give a bit of a lift. My current flash (Nissin) will only sync at max 1/250 shutter speed. I like to try and use a SS of around 1/800 to 1/1000 on small birds. Any advice on suitable Canon or third party units would be most welcome.
David, I would go with Canon Speedlite 600EX II-RT Flashgun, Park Camera's currently have a '£100 Cashback deal' which brings the price down nicely. Beware though, you may find it cheaper elsewhere, but Canon can be rather 'funny' in who they view as an outlet, they refused to accept Amazon once for me.

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