Hollow Rock After Dark


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Paul Kammen

BPN Member
Feb 7, 2014
Rosemount, Minnesota, United States
z hollow rock resized.jpg

One of my favorite spots in my home state, Hollow Rock in Grand Portage, MN. 30sec, 6400ISO, Canon 7DII, f 3.5. Thanks for any comments, I do mostly daylight stuff and birds and wildlife. It's hard to know exactly how to adjust the noise in neatimage for night photos, and how much to adjust sharpness, saturation, temperature, etc. Overall I'm pretty happy with it but any suggestions (good as is or do something else) are appreciated. Perhaps more noise reduction?

Padre Paul, Twin Cities, MN

I really like night shots like this. Yes there is alot of noise. I noticed you used a crop sensor camera full frame ones generally have less noise in low light like this. That could be a major source of the noise. The colors in the sky are very neat. Expsoure looks about right. Some of the stars are just starting to trail. I am no expert on this though.
I really like night shots like this. Yes there is alot of noise. I noticed you used a crop sensor camera full frame ones generally have less noise in low light like this. That could be a major source of the noise. The colors in the sky are very neat. Expsoure looks about right. Some of the stars are just starting to trail. I am no expert on this though.

Thanks, it was about a 30 seconds so I think the stars are OK, just a little noise, but it's hard to know exactly how to adjust the dials in neat image.
Try using 25 or 20 seconds for your next night sky photos...the stars will not trail as much :) Darkening the over all scene here and performing some noise reduction will take it up a notch...nice composition!

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