Wild Goose Island Sunrise


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Paul Kammen

BPN Member
Feb 7, 2014
Rosemount, Minnesota, United States
z wild goose for forum.jpg


Looking for some feedback on processing. I shot various photos at different exposures as the foreground is in the shadows at sunrise.

Shot on a tripod, f 13, ISO 250, 7DII, 17-55mm lens at 17mm.

This file was put together linking the RAW files in Adobe, landscape setting and cloudy white balance.

Thanks for any feedback or suggestions.

- Paul
Looks like a painting.

Foreground has some issues I guess.

Somehow I feel something is missing.

If this is more than one exposure blended then it could be the case.

I would go for using Filters instead of combining multiple exposures.

Looks like a painting.

Foreground has some issues I guess.

Somehow I feel something is missing.

If this is more than one exposure blended then it could be the case.

I would go for using Filters instead of combining multiple exposures.


Thanks, it's hard to know exactly how to process it. Here is another one, a single exposure, and I ran a graduated filter up top to darken the clouds, and brought up the shadows and lighting in the foreground and lowered the satuation on the mountains as I think they were a bit overcooked.

17mm, 1/8sec, ISO 200, f14.

z wild good filtered 2.jpg
A beautiful scene for sure. You really lucked out with those clouds. The repost looks sharper than the original. Composition looks fine to me.
Hi Paul, overall I prefer the second version. In the first version you missed lining up the mountains with your blend as there is a ghosted profile of the mountain peaks. Did you use NIK Detail Extractor or Tonal Contrast on the repost? It looks like a very heavy handed use of one of those filters was applied.

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