Snowy Egret

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david spital

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2019

Canon EOS 7D MK II
100-400 f4.-5.6 L @400mm
Hand Held F5.6 1/2700 sec ISO 1250
2019-04-21 16:35
Cape Cod Ma. Sulfur Springs
Processed DPP4 PS CC 2019
David this doesn't work for me. First thing are the objects in the reflection of the water. I find it distracting. The first thing your eye is drawn to when opening the image.On the positive great wing position.
For me the problem with this image is IQ. It's just not sharp enough,not sure why.
Anyway I post to get the criticism, It helps sort out the issues.

Even if the IQ was good this image would be a delete for me. The light is harsh (you want the softest light possible for white birds to avoid shadows), bird had already passed you, doesn't have a good wing position, and the BG is just distracting and ugly. Try to get him when he is taking off or landing with a more dynamic pose.

As for softness, it could be due to AF not locking on the bird which is a common problem with the gear you are using, or it could be due to non optimal processing of the RAW file which is also a common issue, hard to tell from here

I am sending this image to ETL forum to get better feedback

I'm interested in the technical reasons why an image isn't tact sharp. The results are inconsistent and the reasons not always obvious.
Subjective impression of the backgrounds and other elements are just that subjective opinion.
Thanks for your observations I'm always interested in hearing your technical wisdom.

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