Sony 200-600 zoom vs nikon 500 PF - for Artie

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Thanks, Arash.

BTW, which Nikon body?

I have never done such tests. I have zero faith in comparative tests like this one. I do not trust them because there are so many variables. Not to mention, that as with statistics, the folks conducting the tests can often arrange to get the results that they want. I would expect that most decent prime lenses would be marginally sharper than most zoom lenses.

While I am sure that it is fun photographing five-dollar bills, I prefer birds. Here is an unsharpened 100% crop (at 1920 pixels) of an image made with the S0NY 200-600 AT 273mm. As you noted, one cannot zoom out with fixed focal length lenses like the 500 PF.

Before either of us comments on the image quality, let's see what others have to say.

I will post the optimized image below.

with love, artie


  • BPN-100-pct---1920_A926012-Fort-DeSoto-Park----FL-1.jpg
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This is the optimized image. Leveled with a slight crop from the original.

with love, artie


  • BPN-Royal-Tern-landing-_A926012-Fort-DeSoto-Park----FL-1.jpg
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Focus breathing effect : the focal length of zoom lenses are measured at infinity, at close focus range the lens's focal length or magnification drops. usually 10% loss of FL at close range could be acceptable but in case of the 200-600 the focus breathing is about 100mm or 20% at about 10 yard distance which is typical for bird photography. I feel Sony is cheating by advertising this lens as 200-600, at close range it is more like 200-500mm lens.

the image below shows the focus breathing effect, the same subject was shot from the same distance yet you can see how much larger or closer it appears to be with the 600 prime lens.

updating this thread.

my brand new lens was bad (lemon) it seems like it had an element misaligned. I got a second copy and now indeed it is sharp , and close to my 500PF. I am deleting the images of the old lens because they do not correctly represent a sharp copy of the lens. only the examples that show focus breathing are correct
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