Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly


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Joseph Przybyla

BPN Member
Jan 6, 2014
Lakeland, FL
Home 2021_07_04--12-Enhanced-NR-2.jpg

I captured this image at a bush in my backyard. Comments and critique welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for viewing.

Nikon D500
Nikon 500mm PF, Handheld
1/4000 F/5.6 Matrix Metering EV -2/3 ISO 1600 Auto 1 WB, image captured at 500mm (750mm 35mm Equivalent)
Post processed in Lightroom Classic, and Photoshop CC 2023
Cropped and rotated for composition and presentation
Jo this is beautiful, the inclined angle offers detail in the wing body and head, the antennae are sharp, the flower (which I recall from last year!) looks equally appealing. Sharpening looks excellent, as does the background.
Jo this is beautiful, the inclined angle offers detail in the wing, body and head, the antennae are sharp, the flower (which I recall from last year!) looks equally appealing. Sharpening looks excellent, as does the background.

Thanks, Jon, the bush/flower is in my backyard. This past winter it got hit hard by a freeze, pretty much had to cut it down to the ground but it is already about seven feet tall.

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