Common Green grasshopper Omocestus viridulus

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Jonathan Ashton

Macro and Flora Moderator
Staff member
Dec 1, 2009
Cheshire UK

Hand held, I cleaned up a few distracting elements.
OM-1 60m macro
ISO 2000 +0.3, 1/320sec f8
Hi Jon, I like the grasshopper, but I feel you need more separation in colour between BKG and subject. However, for me, the distracting parts are what looks like Cloning work streaks and along the RHS of the base of the flower???? Detail is there but overall looks not as crisp? What did you set the Enhance to? Would a faster SS be better here. ie 1/800???

I too like the Grasshopper :S3: And the flower too.

Would try clean up the BG spots... and maybe sharpen the subject's face more?

Comp is nice and I like the colours. Agree with Steve on SS, maybe the face of the subject was moving as he was chewing bits of the flower... in which case 1/320s not enough?

Hope you have a wonderful week ahead Jon, and thank you so much for sharing!

Warmest regards,
Steve Gabriela glad you liked it. The base of the plant head was very untidy, being so close rendered it fuzzy de to DOF, |I did attempt to blur it a little to make it less obvious.
Colour separation Steve, yes at last I think the penny has dropped, I will bare in mind for future posts. Insect activity has dropped recently but I intend to get out as much as possible.
SS I suspect a faster speed would have been beneficial.
No notifications again Jon!!!

The base of the plant head was very untidy, being so close rendered it fuzzy de to DOF, |I did attempt to blur it a little to make it less obvious.

Too many streaks Jon for DoF, I think you should have left it.

SS I suspect a faster speed would have been beneficial.

Definitely Jon, I know in the early days you were shooting at 1/40 HH, that's fine if the kit allows, but folk forget the subject can move too, so a slower SS/ISO isn't often the best and with Macro its all so critical.
No notifications again Jon!!!

Too many streaks Jon for DoF, I think you should have left it.

Definitely Jon, I know in the early days you were shooting at 1/40 HH, that's fine if the kit allows, but folk forget the subject can move too, so a slower SS/ISO isn't often the best and with Macro its all so critical.

Steve if you look at the post the first thing I said was that "cleaned up a few distracting elements".
I disagree with you assessment on leaving as it was originally.

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