Hare today......gone tonght!


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Marc Mol

Lifetime Member
Jun 30, 2008
Somewhere else in the World

Have just returned from Kenya with one highlight being able to see this beautiful black huntress again.

the Black Leopardess grabs herself a Scrub Hare dinner.

When darkness sets, she's in her element.

Laikipia- Kenya.

Front spotlit ONLY, bean bag, lying flat @rear of an old LandCruiser with all rear seats & doors removed. Pure Raw 4 DP/NR, Curves, levels in ACR/PS 25

Nikon Z9
NikKor Z70-200 f/2.8
ISO25600@ 200mm.

1400px wide

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Hi Marc .. you seem to have great luck with the lady .
Albeit I am not the biggest fan of night shots , you know that , I have to say this one is quite nice and somehow special .
I do like the overall effect , would have just wished ... to have the ear not that much blown . The bright ear just grabs too much of my attention .... but easy to say from my comfy chair :bg3:.
I think I would rather enjoy the moment and keep the camera in the bag .

TFS Andreas
Hi Marc .. you seem to have great luck with the lady .
Albeit I am not the biggest fan of night shots , you know that , I have to say this one is quite nice and somehow special .
I do like the overall effect , would have just wished ... to have the ear not that much blown . The bright ear just grabs too much of my attention .... but easy to say from my comfy chair :bg3:.
I think I would rather enjoy the moment and keep the camera in the bag .

TFS Andreas

Thanks Andreas

I know night time/spot lighting isn't your thing Andreas :bg3: and surprised this tweaked your interest,

agree with the blown ear however as that is a tad translucent it really catches any light, so virtually impossible to reduce, other than having to use a drastic -3 or greater EV and bring up in post, which creates even more noise.

What was quite comical was the Scrub Hare's large floppy ears hitting Giza in the eyes as she trotted off with her prize!

Appreciate the comments.


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