Nuthatch - Grab shot at ISO32k

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Steve Kaluski

Wildlife Moderator
Staff member
Nov 15, 2009
Somewhere in the world

Subject: Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
Camera: Canon EOS R3
Lens: RF100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM HH
Exposure: 1/1600 at f/10 ISO32k
Original format: Landscape, almost FF

HA needs more to camera
Lovely clean shot this one also leaves me thinking have you changed your preferences, I am used to a little more "thrutch" as my old Grandpa would say?? I like as presented but I could see a slight boost in colouration.
Thanks Jon, just an old man looking at things and reflecting on the ‘wind of change.’

Less so this image, as this was shooting from the hip in the garden, but just the last few months changing certain ‘thoughts & practices’ refining and after spending time with Canon, just making again more refinements to the point where I’m really happy with what the cameras are delivering, especially colour. Proof will be in the pudding when I get back and I ask - has this all worked?

But for me it’s always to question things and review, refine, tweak, change, but through a calculated workflow and not a knee jurk reaction. Evolution rather than Revolution and in my case taking time out and spending it with some fun folk, hopefully for the good. :wave:
Would agree a lovely clean shot with a stunning IQ for the Iso , but not really an issue if handled well with today's software .
Classical pose , nice perch and pleasing soft BG .
Personally I think the color / tone " needs " more separation ... as the " yellow /red " component is lying all in one range in the tree and the bird ( plumage/feet ) . But hey a matter of taste .
I can live with the rather flat look ... as it does throw something different into the mix .

TFS Andreas

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