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William Dickson

BPN Member
Dec 10, 2013
Fife, Scotland

Canon R6
f/4 400mm DO Mk2
ISO 640

One from the Isle of Lunga last week. HH ACR and PS.

Glad to see you back Will!! Super shot, good low angle, I like the background with the area of sky, I am not the best at presenting greens but they do look a little off to me, maybe in the greens increase the Hue a couple of points?
Detail in the rzorbills looks ideal.
Hi Will super shot of the Razorbills ... well captured behavior , stunning .
Well controlled tones in HL and SH ...
Compo is good , but I would like to have more room at the foot .... does look a bit tight for me .

Well who ist the expert for greens , LOL , I would say nobody :w3 . Always a matter of taste and given time of the day , IMHO . Overall I would personally give the image a bit more punch .... my taste :t3
Nice backdrop with the hills and blue sky .

Good to see you back posting and TFS Andreas
Thanks for that guys. Yes, the greens, I suppose its a matter of taste. I was looking at Andreas's post, and thought the BG looked too green on my monitor . But, maybe they were true at the time of capture. I did reduce the greens on my image, maybe a wee bit too much.

A subtle brushing with the sponge tool would do well for these grasses indeed. I love the interaction, composition, and eye-level perspective.

Dramatic story telling image ! He looks quite proud. Yes, maybe a tiny sliver more at the bottom.

Well done!

. Yes, the greens, I suppose its a matter of taste. I was looking at Andreas's post, and thought the BG looked too green on my monitor .


Hey Will ... would agree that i.e. greens in this case are always a matter of taste . But I would personally not take any reference from other posted images .... unless it is an rp posted by another member of your files . Just my take

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