Yellow Wagtail

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Andreas Liedmann

BPN Member
Aug 25, 2010
Dortmund / Germany

Hi folks ... image captured at same location as my recent postings , a moor that is called a nature reserve with limited access for humans .
Its name is OCHSENMOOR .

Image captured from car window

Canon EOS R 6 II
EF 500 IS L + 2x TC

F 8 ; Iso 4000 ; 1/4000 sec

Processed with DT 4.6.1 and PSCC 2024 ; slight crop and removed a wire in the lower frame

Thanks for watching and commenting to my previous postings

Cheers Andreas
The subject is shown well against a clear background the perch is pretty massive but dows not distract from my POV. Detail and colours look good, DOF limited but the important aspects are in good focus.
THX Jon ... yes I could have stopped down to gain more DOF . I was on F10 , but moved the dial accidentally when I picked up the camera and did not realize it . When the subject flew off ... I recognized it .
Andreas, this is a nice species to view. Not familiar myself, but part of the flycatchers I presume? Appears similar to a Kingbird or similar here.

Do like the image overall. You processed the colors nicely. For a large perch it is nice to have some moss and character on it for sure. Simple pose and nice light, a solid frame!!
I like this one quite a bit. Is anyone thinking about shooting at f/64 and getting the front of the perch sharp (maybe)? Not me. It looks great a f/8.

with love, artie

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