Flight Marsh Grasses Pano


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Arthur Morris

Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
Indian Lake Estates, FL

This Black-bellied Whistling Duck image was created down by the lake near my home in central FL with the Sony 600mm f/4 lens, the FE 1.4X TC, and the a9 iii. Robus tripod with the levered-clamp FlexShooter Pro head. ISO: 2500, f/5.6, at 1/3200 sec. 7:11 am while standing at full height. I added a sliver of canvas to the left and cropped from above.

Sorry that I have not posted a new image in what seems like a decade.

with love, artie
Super action and well delineated against a clear background, I get the impression the contrast is a little high, the bill appears to be clipped and the darkest feathers rather black.
Hey Artie,

I like the format and use of space, although i might have placed the duck a little higher and more centrally - individual preferences!

I think Jon is right that the blacks are starting to look a little blocked.

It sure is a weird looking duck!

Best wishes, Gerald
Hi Arthur ... nice landing pose and the overall colors are sweet with the warm light . Pleasing soft BG .
Darks might be a bit dense ... but think you like it that way .
Just for my interest , why that comp with lots of space to the left ... and not so much where the bird is going to land ??

TFS Andreas
sweet landing shot Arite, whistling duck is a favorite a mine, shame we don't have them here, black details look good on my OLED monitor but I'd pull it up by 1/4 ~ 1/3 stops for a bit better visibility.

I wish the wings were a bit flared more, especially if more was visible from the far wing underside?

I see you were using the flex shooter, works well!

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