New Zealand Fur Seal - right way up!

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Gerald Kelberg

BPN Member
Jan 9, 2008
Brussels, Belgium
1812 Kaikoura 0668-NZ Fur Seal Enhanced-NR.jpg

Thanks for the very helpful comments and suggestions from my last Seal post.

I have taken those onboard in processing this image from the same session on the reef in Kaikoura. I think the result looks much more interesting, so I hope that you like it too!

Image was made with the Canon 1DX and the FE 100-400 II at 300mm. Shutter speed was 1/800 sec at f/8.0 and ISO 1600.

Processing has been mostly in LrC, then sizing and sharpening in PS.

Thanks and best to all!
Lovely image Gerald, cool POV again and the landscape framing works well. DoF looks good and when viewed at 100% is perfectly sharp, with good detail.

As the subject is more slower on land than say Andreas jackal, techs look good as its not going to move from the basking position, unless provoked. :bg3:

Would you consider going deeper in terms of colour, especially that lovely sea backdrop?

Hi Gerald .. another one of them , very cool .
I do actually prefer the previous post , due to the more " unique pose " . This is a solid good image , well composed with a more classy posing of the subject . Again nice and simple overall design .
The color grading of the previous posting does fit more and is more " accurate " IMHO .... I know a bit picky , but this image appears a touch green/cyan in the rocks . The other one was more " yellow " .
Still a pretty darn good shot , with lovely detail showing up in the silky fur .... btw have you ever touched a Sea Lion , the fur is extremely soft when being dry .

TFS Andreas
The seal looks very good indeed to me - lovely glance at the camera! The surrounding rocks - I have no idea what colour they are or should have been, I am guessing the blue background is sea and sky and the colours are beautiful.

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