Aplomado Falcon - Bosque del Apache


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Robert Amoruso


According to Alfred Forns, the Aplomado Falcon pictured here has been reintroduced at Bosque. Taken 11/20/07 while co-leading on Artie's Bosque IPTs.

Canon 1D Mark IIn
Canon 600mm f/4 IS with 2x TC (1200mm)
1/1600 sec, f/8, Manual, ISO: 400

I knew you would say that. I actually back down the saturation on this.:)

Next time around I will do some noise correction on the BG.

Love the pose. Looks a bit too saturated for my tastes.

Later and love, artie
Excellent pose Robert !!!! It really pops out of the screen Might back down saturation but do like it as presented !!!
Awesome pose and wonderful timing in this image Robert and an excellent BG too.
A really cool looking bird and well captured Robert. Nits aside, love the BG and the pose!
Plumsy looks great in that pose.

Actually, he cannot be counted in your birding list since he was hand-raised so it belongs in the Captive Forum. This time we'll let it go, but the next ones, and I hope to see more :) should go there.

Actually, that background looks a lot like mine posted in HoM, maybe just a bit saturated.
I like it as is, particularly pose and BG. I've never seen this species and don't know whether it is oversaturated.
Beautiful pose with the upraised wings, Robert! Lovely BG colour, maybe run the BG selectively through noise reduction?

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