Friendly Bear

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Arthur Morris

Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
Indian Lake Estates, FL
This is an image of two-time Bear Boat IPT particpant George Brunt and a friendly Katmai coastal Brown Bear, aka, Grizzly bear. George who is from Canada is a really nice fellow, helpful as can be, and a fine photographer. When I say something that he agrees with he says eggs-ZACT-lee with a huge emphasis on the ZACT syllable. It cracks me up every time.


  • Brown-Bear-sniffing-photographer-_10J1176---Geographic-Harbor,-Katmai-National-Park,-AKC.jpg
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.. he is frozen :) ... too close for comfort and I think the bear is laughing !!!
What happened next? Did he share his breakfast with the bear?
I think he's frozen in what happened next???:confused::cool:
As the bear kept getting closer our guide stood and walked slowly towards the bear talking to her. The bear sniffed a bit and kept on going. The guide carries pepper spray but never reached for it in this case.

No food at all is permitted in the field. (As a diabetic, I take a small bit of cheese in a sealed plastic bag). The bear had a cub and was just curious. It is possible that it was attracted to the smell of halibut on our clothing.
I do not think George had egg-ZACT-lee this in mind when he saw the bear coming closer. ;)

For me, the distance between him and that bear is such that no matter what pepper spray or "bear-talking" ability the guide had, if that bear decided she did not like George's smell, George would have been seriously compromised. A very high risk distance between George and a wild predator I'd guess, but then I have no experience of your bears and their general demeanour at all. Here in Africa, you should never try that with a lioness with cubs:cool:

Thanks for showing the image Arthur.
Now that is living dangerously - you must have used a very fast shutter speed Art as I can not detect any movement blur in George's knees :)

I do not think George had egg-ZACT-lee this in mind when he saw the bear coming closer. ;)

For me, the distance between him and that bear is such that no matter what pepper spray or "bear-talking" ability the guide had, if that bear decided she did not like George's smell, George would have been seriously compromised. A very high risk distance between George and a wild predator I'd guess, but then I have no experience of your bears and their general demeanour at all. Here in Africa, you should never try that with a lioness with cubs:cool:

Thanks for showing the image Arthur.

Thanks for dropping by Guert. I have the utmost confidence in our guide. He has been taking folks to see and photograph the bears for more than 20 years with zero attacks and zero incidences. Such close encounters usually happen several times in a week but the bears are just curious. And there is lots of salmon in the fall and there are lots of clams and grass in the spring.

Only two folks have been killed in Katmai by bears: Timothy Treadwell who got what he was asking for and his unfortunate girlfriend. Have you seen the movie or read the book?
Artie, Yes, but what was she doing there?She was a grown woman responsible for her own decisions. He did not have her tied to a post. She knew full well of his intentions and his lack of concern and true respect.
Artie, Yes, but what was she doing there?She was a grown woman responsible for her own decisions. He did not have her tied to a post. She knew full well of his intentions and his lack of concern and true respect.

I agree. But sometimes folks have a way of coercing others into doing what they do not want to do. I consider her a victim, him a whacko.
Artie, I agree w/ that. After the movie, I considered her a victim and him a wacko. It is just very hard for me to understand.
Talk about baiting!
I've never thought about using a workshop participant as bait.
You are cutting edge and I can't wait to try it myself.
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