How I Hold On

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Julie Kenward

When the winds of life get turbulent
And I'm apt to get tossed and blown
I now know its better
To go with the flow -
Letting go is now how I hold on.


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Very self-perceptive, Jules. Good one.

I love the meter in the first two lines. I tried to come up with something to keep the same meter in the last three lines without changing your idea, but I couldn't do it.

Maybe someone else can give it a shot?

And the photo is way cool, with those gentle cloud patterns and half-moon. Great texture and feel.
Lance, read it like a limirick - (in other words, read the two middle lines as one long line) - I think you'll find it flows better that way.
Hey Jules,
I read it first and felt like the others but then I read your comments and that fit better.....keeping that in do you feel with moving one word;

When the winds of life get turbulent

I'm apt to get tossed and blown

I now know its better
To go with the flow -

And letting go is now how I hold on.

<!-- / message -->Very powerful words and the image goes with it nicely. I won't reveal the dirty limerick I used to move the and :eek:......but let me know your thoughts.

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Roman, I think that is an excellent idea. I don't personally KNOW any dirty limiricks (and if you believe that one I have some swamp land to sell ya...) but I did get that same limirick cadence in my head when I was working on this so I just went with it. I think "and" is the perfect compromise.
Nice peom Julie. Roman's alteration rounds it out nicely. The words and meaning of the poem reminded of something given to me years ago. I went and dug it out so I can share it with you.

"When there is a storm approaching, an eagle will fly to a high crag and wait for the winds to come. When the tumult hits, the eagle will spread its wings so that the wind will lift it above the storm. While the storm explodes below, the eagle is gliding above it. The eagle does not escape the turbulence. It rises on the very winds that bring the storm. It is elevated on what would tear is asunder."

Faces of Nature Photography
I heard that once a long time ago, Eric...thanks for the reminder. It sure does fit with my new philosophy on troubled times!
Thank you, John. I had almost forgotten about this was nice to revisit it again.
I missed it the first time around, so I'm grateful to John, and Julie. Beautifully written and befits the image.

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