Silent suffering

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Ákos Lumnitzer

I was thinking tonight about all the animals we can help, but I simply cannot stop thinking about the ones that just don't make it or are still with us yet are beyond help. I captured the image that was at the end of my first rescue of a kangaroo. Unfortunately any leg breaks mean they are PTS (put to sleep). Sadly on this day we just could not get a veterinarian to come with a dart and lethabarb so we had to resort to calling an RSPCA inspector who (a nice young lady) shot it with a .22 rifle once between the eyes from a distance, then at the rear of the head from point blank range. As I stood in the middle of the road keeping traffic at a distance for safety and from the prying human nature, all I can still remember is the two pops from the rifle and thinking how the life was extinguished from such a magnificent creature. So this little poem I conjured is my tribute to ALL the animals I cannot help and the ones that I will never see to even try to help. Sorry about this long-winded speech. :( Suffering animals just make me very sad.

Life is fragile, precious and frail,
Blood flows freely, a vessel broken,
Suff’ring in silence, with clenched paws,
My quiet thoughts, not one word spoken,

Lay quietly, by the side of the road,
Writhing in pain, it is all too much,
Can’t comprehend our compassion,
I’ve no hope of a reassuring touch,

Go in peace precious life in this world,
A gentle end is the only way for you,
I’ll see you on the other side, with
The others I’ve already seen go through

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Akos, This is such a sad image and immediately brought tears to my eyes. I can't stand the thought of animals suffering. You do so much great work w/ your rescues. I wish more people cared like you. Your words are well written and your thoughts are very clear. Very nicely done.
Well, that made me cry first thing in the morning. It is hard to imagine the suffering that goes unnoticed in this world, is it not? I find my belief in a living God helps me get through it - I know HE is with them to console them as they die without that reassuring touch. Sometimes I think if I didn't believe in that I'd go insane.

It's a hard image to look at but it certainly gets the point across, Akos.
You do a strong job of conveying the sheer trauma, the sadness of it, Akos.

This will deeply affect everyone who reads it. Impossible not to be saddened by this.
Me, more mad than sad! I just saw two awful sights in The Kgalagadi Transfrontier park. A lioness dying of old age? and a beautiful male with a face full of portliness quills . . .
This joey is an unfortunate picture and something we see a lot on our back roads, the road kill, not the joeys. We counted 13 bat-eared foxes and one cape fox on the Raptor route in the Northern Cape on our way to the park. Two were fresh . . . such a pity that we, the drivers, do this in our haste. Thanks, for sharing, its goodto know there are others that care too.
As much as we love animals and birds, sometimes our responsibilit, as hard as it is, is to end their suffereing when nothing else can be done to save them.
A very sad image.
Sandy r

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