Share Your Workflow & Useful Links

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Kerry Perkins

BPN Member
Nov 13, 2008
Simi Valley, California
OOTB is proud to present - YOU! In the course of our daily postings, we often discuss the path that led us to the final image. Denise and I had a great idea that we should provide a place to collect those workflows and provide us with a reference work that would be of benefit to all. Well, here it is - the OOTB Workflow Knowledge Base.

We are not asking that you share your best secrets, but there are many techniques that can be described in general terms and may not have occurred to some of us yet. Feel free to post in a narrative style, a list of steps, or whatever you feel would best convey your workflow. I am a visual kind of person, so I would probably post images to go along with my steps...

Feel free to discuss the use of your favorite filters or plug-ins. We may not all have access to the same software, but if there is only one way to get the end result then I feel that is worth reading about. Ok BPNers, take it away...

Please post your workflows as regular posts, not as replies to this sticky. Use the prefix pull down "BPN Workflow:" in front of the title of your post.

Here are the worlflow links - updated as they become available

Shared Workflows-

OOTBWorkflow: Color Blends by Michael Gerald-Yamasaki

OOTBWorkflow: Chiaroscuro mini-tutorial by Kerry Perkins

OOTBWorkflow: Adding a Stroke Border
by Gus Hallgren

OOTBWorkflow: High-pass filter sharpening by Julie Kenward - quoted in a post by Cheryl Slechta

OOTB Workflow: Grand Teton Makeover by Paul Lagasi

OOTB Workflow: Old Photo Tutorial by Christopher Miller

OOTB Workflow: IR Conversion Tutorial by Christopher Miller

OOTB Workflow: Fotosketcher painting by Gus Hallgren

OOTB Workflow: Snow Tutorial - Cardinal by Christopher Miller

OOTB Workflow: Topaz ReMask Tutorial by Kerry Perkins

OOTB Workflow: Flip with instructions by Ken Childs

OOTB Workflow: Creature flips by Ken Childs

OOTB Workflow: Gradient backgrounds
by Gus Hallgren

OOTB Workflow: Enhancing images with textures by Hilary Hann

OOTB Workflow - Spherized Dahlia
image by Diane Miller, technique by Carol Leigh - making a spheroid from any image

Other Useful Links - tutorials, filters, textures, free programs, etc.

Xero free plugins (Windows) a nice collection of free plugins for Photoshop and other programs that support the PS plugin architecture

Free Photoshop textures some useful free textures

Shadowhouse Creations textures more free textures from Jerry Jones - lots of great stuff on his blog site

Free Virtual Photographer plugin (Windows) from OptikVerve Labs

Free Dreamy plugin from Auto FX

FotoSketcher (Windows) free program for making paintings, drawings, and sketches from photos

Fractalius (Windows) very popular plugin from Redfield Plugins. Fractalius isn't free however the company offers some free plug-ins.

Vintage Effects Tutorial from Shadowhouse Creations

The CoffeeShop Blog Lots of free actions for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements

Fog Tutorial

Light Ray Tutorial

Falling Snow Tutorial

Dave Seeram actions lots of free actions here, scroll down to find them

Ornament (globe) video tutorial make a perfect globe or ornament with reflection!

Mini Tutorials by David Thomasson
a hodge-podge of techniques

Mini-Tutorial by Denise Ippolito- Creative Texturing

Fake Model Photography an interesting technique to simulate tilt/shift lens looks

Free Textures -Judy Howle found online


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Double Play

I've been asked to give a short presentation on extractions in 2 weeks. Yikes! Given the amazing talent in this group, however, I thought I'd see if any of you have some great tips or technique that you use for extracting a a subject from the BG. Here is the fun part. Since I want you to post your image and the step by step instructions in this thread your post won't count as a daily post and fall under the one post per 24 hour guideline. The person with the best tip or technique for doing an extraction in Photoshop will receive one of my six eBooks--their choice. I will also credit you at my presentation if I use your technique. Bragging rights in OOTB :S3: Please post your extraction in this thread with a detailed step by step. Only one post per person please. Must use the image I have provided to be fair to all. Deadline: Feb. 5th 2012


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I'll have to jog my memory a bit since I haven't done an extraction for a while, but will think about it. In the meantime (speaking of memory) I have to say I have fond memories of my first car: just like the one above. My dad was going to cut it down to match the one on (now my age is telling!) 77 sunset strip. But then when he got the car, he decided it would be safer to leave it stock. Painted bright blue with blue and white interior, it was still fun to drive, esp with the rumble seat. Needless to say, I wish I had it today. Wow, what a jewel to have. Worth much more than the $100 he paid for it.
Hazel, The old car is a jewel for sure. I do wish that it had been brought outside in better light but. I knew I'd be able to do an effect on it. Hope you can jog your memory!
This is fun!


My dad was a graphic artist way before the days of Photoshop. He would use a swiveling Exacto Knife to cut away the photo. If necessary a transparency was placed on clear acetate to deal with inside parts. I did something similar using the eraser tool.

Extraction - My Way

This is a slow process, take your time, don't miss anything and SAVE OFTEN.

First: Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool I go around the subject, staying a close to the subject as possible. I copy and paste the image onto either a black or white solid background depending on the subject's backgound color (the color I plan to remove later)

Second: Using a combination of Polygonal Lasso Tool (removes material from straight edges) or Clone tool (remove material from contoured edges). Some times with the Clone Tool
you need to use hard or soft edges, depends on the edge. You go all around, the subject, remember again take your time save often (change the name ie: copy1, copy2, etc.).

Third: Once your all around the subject, check inside the subject. What I mean is as in the example: windows. If its a bird, sometimes you need to remove background from between toes or legs...

Now you have a clean extraction on a white (or black) background. Using a combination Quick Selection and Magic Wand, while in CS5 and holding down the SHIFT KEY you capture all the background, either black or white. Then using Select Inverse capture the subject, copy and your ready to use it for whatever.

Things to remember...Did I mention Save Often! Be careful when removing background, not to remove something important!

When I paste it into new background I check to make sure I didn't miss something, this is where the black or white background helps.

When using the extraction pay close attention to:

Direction of light on subject and backgound..a real killer if you get it wrong.
Perspective..I like using Transform Tool to tweak it a bit, sometimes.

I am not a writer, hope you can all understand what I've written


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Extraction Result

I worked on this for a few minutes this morning, found the appropriate background. Changed the perspective of the car. Pasted in. Used Topaz to spicify...

Not the best but ok for a few minutes of time...Ciao Denise

Best of luck!


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If you are using Photoshop CS5:

1. First select the outline of the car using the Quick Selection Tool.
2. You can zoom into the image using the Zoom Tool and make finer adjustments to your selection.
3. Then go to Select / Inverse, this will invert your selection, showing the background selected.
4. Then using the Quick Selection Tool, you can select the outlines of each of the windows and negative space between the bottom of car and shadow.
5. When you have "marching ants" lines around all the areas you want to remove, click the "Q" key, for a quick mask.
Everything you want to keep will now be covered by a red colored transparent mask.
6. You can use the Brush Tool to paint in more red mask on to any finer details that you were not able to get with the quick selection.
7. Click on the "Q" key again to turn the red mask back to a "marching ants" selection.
8. Then press Command X (or Control X if using pc) to delete all of your selected background from the image.
9. Finally, zoom into image and use the Eraser Tool on soft setting to erase any remaining small background detail and smooth out edges.

Because of how the car is lighted, I decided to keep the shadow.


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Denise, What a great idea! I am really enjoying and learning from everyone’s techniques.
This was sort of a grind-it-out approach that I did…
Duplicate layer, Add Brightness/Contrast layer and increase contrast 70%. This helps find edges in the selection process. Merge the copy and adjustment layers.
Used lasso tool to make a rough selection and copied to new layer.
Used Quick selection tool to select car … Press Alt to deselect and adjust/subtract from the selection where necessary.
I think it also helps to alt-click on areas you don’t want a few times… to train the tool.
Copy this refined selection to new layer.
Now click between original and refined selection to compare and see if you missed anything.
Finally used eraser at high magnification and with a hard edge to clean up edges and help defringe any background colors.
Made no attempt at this point to soften or blend the edges as I would do that when placing it in new image.
Used levels layer to bring contrast back to match original.
Added some cosmetics to front tire/shadows and other areas to help it stand on its own.
When placed or combined in another image, you might want to select windshield area and play with a reflection and opacity. (Same with wheel caps.)
Denise, hope it was OK to borrow your beach scene.


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I like to use this method for extraction, because it combines the process of extraction with that of creating the new image.

1. Open new background image (where you want to put the extracted item)
2. Open original image
3. Select, copy and paste original image to the new background image
4. Using quick selection tool, select the object to be extracted.

Use bracket keys to increase or decrease the size of the brush as you're working
Hold down ALT key (OPT key) to subtract from selection, release to add to selection
CRTL-Z (CMD-Z) deletes last selection

5. Click on refine edge. Voila, your extracted item appears on the new background.

In the dialog box:
- Make sure you're viewing "on layers"
- Move radius slider to about 3. This varies considerably depending on what you're refining and on the new background
- Click on the decontaminate color box. This gets rid of some of the old background color still showing through
- Using a small brush, paint along the edges of the object you've extracted to get rid of more of the remaining background from the original image.
- Increase contrast to about 15%
- Move output slider to about 60%
- Save as New layer with layer mask

6. Delete Layer 1 (original image)
7. Click on Layer mask.
8. Zoom in and mask out remaining undesirable areas from original image

I also worked on the tires a bit trying to rebuild them to look natural, played around with the hubcap reflections to try to get rid of some of the green tinge and blurred the edges of the windows and windshield slightly. I should have probably grunged the windshield and windows a little too.

I chose not to include the shadow, but it's easy enough to include it in the above process.


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This is an interesting thread. Extraction is something I've only done once, and I used ReMask. I find it interesting that no one used that software. Do let us know which method you decide to use!
Congratulations Maureen, Your extraction is very similar to the one that I prepared for the group. I usually don't bother with the decontaminate color box but it works well for some images. I may show the group ReMask if we have time and the extraction tool in Photoshop for folks that have older versions of Photoshop. But Refine Edge and Refine Mask are the way to go.
Maureen shoot me your email address and which eBook you would like. You can visit my blog to see your choices. Thank you for sharing your workflow and congratulations!

Everyone did a great job! Thanks so much for participating and making OOTB the best creative forum on the net!!

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