Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

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Rod Wiley

This video was created for the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. I used the Nikon D300s and D3X to capture the images. The D300s is very difficult to capture anything that is moving using a long lens so I only used short clips and mixed them in with stills. I'm sorry but I don't remember how to put the clip into the post. I hope you enjoy it. Rod

Please note, at the bottom of the screen click on the 360p and change it to 720 for HD.
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Excellent! I was there in October but unfortunately it was a bit slow. The video has given me a reason to return soon. Thanks.
Michael all the boardwalk photos are resent and the buntings are as well, the rest of the shots are from my collection. Rod
Rod, The music compliments this piece very well. The images are stunning and the mix of video and imagery is wonderful. A very intimate look-thank you for sharing this truly artistic work.:)

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