Wolfe Island Snowy


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Paul Lagasi

BPN Member
Feb 4, 2008
Bells Corners, Ontario, Canada

Hi fellow Canadians, this is a photo from Wolfe Island in January..couldn't find a close up Snowy but this one was in nice setting..keep the photos coming...thanks for starting this Dan
Hi Paul, beautiful image of that Snowy Owl - I agree the setting is very nice. I was there in February with some friends (including Stephen Stephen of this forum) and we had a great time. Although the Short-eared Owls that we had high hopes for didn't show up we did see many raptors. Some cooperative pheasants and late day Mute Swans saved the day photography-wise but we did take some enviromental photos of the Snowies. With all the recent (and VERY impressive) flight shots and tight close-ups we've seen this winter I find it actually refreshing to see some habitat type shots of them. Here is one I took that day.

I've always found the Snowys by driving the circle of Reeds Bay Road,9th Line Road, Baseline Road and 4th Line Road...keep and eye on fields. Lots of Rough Legged Hawks around though...everywhere. And many ducks on water on south side
Hello Dan...to see the Short Eared Owls you need to be there very early, almost first ferry before dark. When getting off the ferry turn at first right and follow road 96 until you get to a farm with lots of junk and machinery..between 5th and 3rd line...they usually stop there before going to roost..its hit and miss and Owls are not very close but the day Dave and I went down there, their were over a dozen short eared owls...Paul

Here's another image of bird Dan posted taking off from the same spot just seconds later. I could use some NR in the background but I'm PP challenged.

Rebel XT, Sigma 50-500mm Handheld.

Pat. I visited the island again last weekend. Basically most roads we drove along on the island and Rough Legged Hawks. We saw at least 30-40, plus 6 Harriers, 6 redtails, 15-20 Kestrels, Tundra swans, Canada geese, black ducks and mallards, a couple of hoodies, 3 blue herons, some snow geese on the south shore flying away etc. We didn't see any owls at all.

There was very little open water but I understand that waterfowl will be stopping by when things open up.
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Wow you had some great results... I went to Welligtion on Quinte Island where there is open water.. last time tundra and mute swans, hooded mergensers, buffleheads, ring neck ducks, old squaw, golden eyes... this time hundreds to thousands of geese.. hooded mergensers, mergensers, tundra swan, blue heron, red wing black birds.. various ducks and a lot of fly bys..because I wanted to do the spring waterfalls there too.. You can park at liquor store parking lot and public warf is right there or small park behind off of Beach street depending on the light direction...

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