Albuquerque Birding Hotspots?

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Chuck Nakell

Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Portland, Oregon
We are planning on being in Albuquerque, NM from April 16-25 and have most of our time free for bird photography. Beyond a planned day trip to Bosque del Apache, can anyone suggest places to go? I'm just beginning my research and receiving some tips would be great right now.

Thanks, Chuck
My Own Discoveries

FYI: No one seemed to have any ideas for me...but i discovered on my own that Albuquerque has a terrific biding place called the Rio Grande Nature Center, with loads of trails. I've seen mature and baby owls, a ton of water fowl, and numerous swallows and hummingbird there so far. Just hiking along the Rio Grande itself has also put me in close proximity to many birds on my must see list, including Road Runners.

Hi Chuck, sorry I missed this thread - I would have suggested that you PM Doug Brown. He is one of the best bird photographers around and lives in Albuquerque. Of course there is Bosque del Apache just a little way down the highway to the south, and it is heaven for bird photographers. Hope you had a good trip!

Could you give us a report on what was at Bosque....Always hear about winter but not much about other times of year.

Spring at Bosque

Well, the crowds come in November when the 14,000 sandhill cranes are there, but in Spring you share the place with only a few others, the grounds are beautiful and the birds are a plenty.

Here is what we saw during our visit: Avocet, stilt, ibis, 3 kinds of hawks, black bird, road runner, quail, white egret, cattle egret, blue heron, 19 varieties of ducks, coot, 20 varieties of small birds, meadowlark, raven, crow, wild turkey, doves, and pheasant. We also saw rabbit, deer, elk, snake, and lizards. Every tour of the drive through brought new surprises.
Thanks anyway, Doug

My time in San Antonio, Sante Fe, and Albuquerque all yielded great stuff, so it all worked out just the same. Now I am off to the Malheur area (Frenchglen, OR) in the eastern part of my state, which has some wonderful opportunities as well.

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