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Jonathan Ashton
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    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Just chilling....
      Both pleasing shots, I don't see an enormous difference between the two versions, both look good I reckon you'd need to have been there...
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Black-headed Gonolek.
      Good low angle, clean image, the pose raises interest. For me the image appears just a little "heavy" and saturated though I appreciate...
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Black Headed Gull.
      Nice timing interesting wing position and good exposure.. quality looks good to me too!
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Mantling.
      Super! Great colours and action, I like the post/perch, it looks entirely credible, sometimes these perches look beleivable and...
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Indian Roller.
      I like both versions but I think I would go for the first image. Super colours a well rendered eye, beng picky perhaps a little side...
    • Jonathan Ashton
      I'mnot too sure if I have misunderstood your reference to cropping..... maybe a slightly looser crop to include the whole of the birds -...
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Red Squirrel without Nut.
      I like the composition, just having slight reservations over the colours though I suspect the ambient light through the foliage may be...
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Angry Hippo.
      I would agree with the previous coments, the image is sharp so a little differential processing would produce and excellent shot. In my...
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Grey Seal Pup II.
      Top notch quality, I don't detecy any appreciable noise at all. Good DOF all features shown to good effect.
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Red Fox.
      A very appealing shot, eye contact is riveting, his facial features are shown very well indeed.
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Red Deer Stag II.
      Super colours, composition is really appealing, the stag stands out powerful and proud, I like it very much.
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Grey Seal Pup.
      It's all about the light as they say. A really cute shot pleasing composition and super details.
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Jonathan Ashton replied to the thread Asian Elephant ( F ).
      I lik ethe low shooting angle, exposure and colours ideal. Couldn't really ask for a much better water spray! I like it - no...
    • Jonathan Ashton
      `Hi Jon, this is where your 'same colour' backdrop would work extremely well, having zero changes in terms of colour, HL's etc. In doing...
    • Jonathan Ashton
      Well spotted Michael and also good focus. The flash exposure looks good, being hypercritical there are a few rather bright spots but...
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