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    • Kurt_Horne
      You created a great opportunity here with the ice, silver thaw, and a very contrasted colourful wood duck!
    • Kurt_Horne
      That's a fantastic pose, detail, and framing.
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Third Trip (Short-Eared Owl).
      I'm actually partial to the 2nd image as well. So much a personal preference on this It's some cold days to be out in Ladner! Really...
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Purple Finch.
      Lovely post and image. Though I am thinking this is a House Finch, the colouring and body shape don't quite seem to match with a Purple...
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Hammersmith in action .....
      This really shows the action, love the small shell pieces around the breast and the big piece off in mid air, all with a great balance...
    • Kurt_Horne
      Fantastic, I appreciate seeing the frost and the bottom stick is no issue for me. If you want super nits, there is a tiny white spec...
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Post a Photo.
      Good enough to make a viewer hungry :)
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Her highness.
      Thanks Steve, a good idea on a trial for Lr. I will give that a shot!
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Her highness.
      Hey Steve, I've never liked those in camera features, they sounds cool but turn out gimmicky IMHO so have left everything default. That...
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Her highness.
      Thanks Andreas, Lot's to digest for sure. As far as camera setting go, I do try to keep it as simple as possible, not choosing any of...
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Sunday Bloody Sunday ......
      Not at all! I am just finding that in middle age, one's perspective of time is noticeably shifted compared to my 20's. I often think of...
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Her highness.
      Thanks Andreas. I have been mulling over this contrast thing. The raw is quite contrasted, actually more than Steve's repost. So here's...
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Preening in HK.
      Yeah when the colours match they match! Still a super cool image.
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Preening in HK.
      I don't think I've ever seen a high key image of an oyster catcher. For a moment I thought it was on a snow covered shore :). I wish the...
    • Kurt_Horne
      Kurt_Horne replied to the thread Her highness.
      In hind sight, as I go back to pick at this again, I have a fault in my program where about 1 in every 30 images I chose to edit goes...
      • Z62_0330a_031V3.JPG
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