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  1. Isaac Grant

    Sandhill Crane colt stretching one wing

    Pose is nice and so is the background. The bird looks soft to me. I never can get a baby bird to look right but maybe that is just a function of their feathers? The grass in front of the right leg looks over sharpened and the right leg (birds left) looks like it was over exposed and has no...
  2. Isaac Grant

    Pine Grosbeak

    Dorian I am somewhat new to Lightroom and basically only use it as a RAW converter. I import my raw files into lightroom and do some minor adjustments to highlights, shadows, colors, etc. In LR I set the sharpening amount to 33, the radius to .5 and the detail to 25 and masking to 0 which I...
  3. Isaac Grant

    Pine Grosbeak

    Depending on the screen you view it on 3 may be better than 4. I agree. 3 does not have the super crisp details that are in the full res that 4 has but the flash is more evident in 4. All are lousy compared to the full res. Also speaks to why you sharpen and then sharpen again for web. The files...
  4. Isaac Grant

    Pine Grosbeak

    The screen you view on makes a huge difference Dan. Crappy work monitors are just that. Being perfectly honest no version of this shot looks anywhere near as good as the full res shot does. The full res version of this photo is 31.5 MP or 6874 x 4583. When downsized to 1920 x 1280 it loses a ton...
  5. Isaac Grant

    Pine Grosbeak

    Every file I have posted for years that everyone, including you said were sharp and detailed was sharpened the exact same way. Once prior to downsizing and once after. Must be multiple ways to do things I guess.
  6. Isaac Grant

    Mallard top side.

    For what it is worth, my files are sharpened prior to downsizing and then again after downsizing. Both times at 100 and .5 (of course not every file is the exact same, some need even less sharpening both times). Is that what you did? or you only sharpened prior to downsizing? Also the wigeon...
  7. Isaac Grant

    Mallard top side.

    Give it a try and see if the results are any different. Worth a shot. If results are no better than at least you know you were on the right track.
  8. Isaac Grant

    Pine Grosbeak

    I don’t sharpen the TIFF. I sharpen a full res jpeg. Same method as every other file I post that you don’t think are over sharpened. Last time I will say it, you are seeing the signs of flash, not over sharpening. Every duck I have posted, every single file posted for years now is sharpened the...
  9. Isaac Grant

    Pine Grosbeak

    Dan, it looks fine to me on my imac and as stated I completely disagree. You are not seeing over sharpening, you are seeing ruffled and flashed feathers that are not over sharpened. I often think your files are soft and dull. Likely not from lack of technique and more likely processing. If the...
  10. Isaac Grant

    Pine Grosbeak

    Dan what you are thinking is oversharpened is in fact the result of the flash and how it looks on the feathers. I know what you said but you are wrong. As presented this bird looks almost exactly like what it looked like in the raw file and it is what bird feathers look like when shot with flash...
  11. Isaac Grant

    Mallard top side.

    Dan you should try doing this photo with the workflow I suggested. It may help. Nice pose but as presented the image quality is not great. I think if you follow those steps you will have a better final product. May not be as good as if the shot was close to full frame but it will be better for sure.
  12. Isaac Grant

    Pine Grosbeak

    Dan I think we have very different styles and have very different ideas of what a sharp photo looks like. The details on this grosbeak are insane on the full res file. As good as on any file that I have ever seen. When downsizing without sharpening some first you lose a ton and I mean a ton of...
  13. Isaac Grant

    Pine Grosbeak

    Thanks guys. William you really should use flash. This bird was in the shade at the bottom of a tree with diffuse light coming through. It is the kind of situation where I would have needed a high ISO and that would have made my image quality much worse, especially with the D850. Some gentle...
  14. Isaac Grant

    Pine Grosbeak

    Thought I would post one more Pine Grosbeak before the winter has fully gone. It feels and looks like early spring here in New York City but a cold wind is blowing and temperature is just above freezing. I had to wait around for a while for the birds to reach the bottom of the trees to get them...
  15. Isaac Grant

    Eyeing the meal plan...

    One of the real bummers about digital photography is that you have to spend so much time in front of the computer. I like being out and in the field, but if you want your images to be really strong, capturing the image is only part of the battle. Have to really refine processing skills to get...
  16. Isaac Grant

    Theme Great Crested Grebe

    Another beauty. Colors and the highlights are gorgeous. The bits of detail work very well. Only thing that would have improved this was if the bird was facing us or at least parallel to the back of the camera.
  17. Isaac Grant

    Yellow-eyed Penguin (NZ Endemic) in habitat

    Great bird, nice pose as well. The light really did not help you here but considering the circumstances i am not sure you could have done better.
  18. Isaac Grant

    Snail Kite

    Very nice Bill. I have only shot these birds once. Bird never came close and just when it did and the light got nice I got kicked out of the place because they close super early. I do wish the bird was a bit more vertical which would have caused less of a shadow on that lower wing but I would be...
  19. Isaac Grant

    Eyeing the meal plan...

    Went back and did the following:Roughly selected the bird and perch (missed spots on perch) and ran auto tone at 100%. Then I reduced the blues -60. Then I ran some detail extractor on the bird and perch at 25%. Plus I went into selective color and added about 40 points of cyan to the reds to...
  20. Isaac Grant

    Eyeing the meal plan...

    Nice details and nice perch. Nice background as well. You have all the hard parts down for a good songbird image. But the image lacks good eye contact and as Dorian said the colors are very washed out.