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  1. Shreyas Mantri

    Morning colors and her Grace

    Thanks all for the responses. @ Rachel, thanks for the re-work and suggestions. I myself did something similar with toning down the bg as suggested by all but then came back to this original version just because for me it gave a true sense of the early light in Mana. Surely different pairs of...
  2. Shreyas Mantri

    Theme Pile of Puppies

    Dumay, Visiting this again and again! Love the framing and energy here, especially the coincidence of just one eye visible from this pile! Being wild dog sighting starved (2 sighting were not enough at Mana Pools recently :e3), am thinking how fortunate you are to have the denning dogs as your...
  3. Shreyas Mantri

    Theme Brothers of the Talek

    Winners - eye contact, the three huddling up, and the tails in the air! Agree with crop suggestions though. Shreyas
  4. Shreyas Mantri

    Another Yawn

    An absolute cracker! Yeah, and the word is for about 8 pups there = more hunger! Wishing you all the luck for your trip! Shreyas
  5. Shreyas Mantri

    Theme Giraffe Flehmen

    Stunning light, and those two with the chins raised look pretty comical. Agree with Rachel on the impala but nothing you could do and not a deal breaker by any means! TFS
  6. Shreyas Mantri

    Morning colors and her Grace

    Hi all, This one is from one early morning encounter with a pride of Lions on a juv elephant kill. She had her fill earlier and was resting in shade on the other side of the road from where we were parked. She decided to then move slowly, probably to enjoy the warmth of the first rays. The...
  7. Shreyas Mantri

    Theme Ele's from heaven

    Marc, Agree with all the praises above and it sure is quite artistic. Wondering why the RHS looks more damp.....perhaps closing the river? TFS
  8. Shreyas Mantri

    Theme Inquisitive

    Phew...what a shot! Great sense of depth here with the mum in the BG. Enjoyed it a lot! Shreyas
  9. Shreyas Mantri


    You sure have a knack for these spotlit shots, Brendon! Love it!! She must be like paused in time for the sharpness at this shutter speed :bg3: All you need is some mist coming from her mouth next! Shreyas
  10. Shreyas Mantri

    Male leopard (Mandleve)

    Hi Dumay, Cracking image! Love the pose and excellent IQ. Shreyas
  11. Shreyas Mantri

    Icons of Mana Pools

    Hi all, Thanks for the input. The dodging/burning does bring it up a notch so thanks for the suggestion, Morkel! @ Marc, SLNP is high up the list and the images from the park makes it even more enticing. You don't know how bad you want to get to Mana though :w3 Cheers
  12. Shreyas Mantri

    Icons of Mana Pools

    Hello all, Just returned from an epic 12 night adventure in Mana Pools. "Blown away" and "Awe-struck" have been my two favorite terms since then :bg3: The light in this patch of land is something else, especially around the floodplain....a blue haze from the Mopane woodlands and Albida forest...
  13. Shreyas Mantri

    Theme Epic Etosha

    Lovely image and can't beat the POV on this series! Love the multitude of animals in the scene, the only thing missing here is an Qryx :w3 Shreyas
  14. Shreyas Mantri

    Twilight Leopardess

    Hi Brendon, Nicely executed and especially love the composition here! TFS Shreyas
  15. Shreyas Mantri


    Hi Ed, nice shot in great light plus a good sense of environment/habitat here. Funny how skittish these guys are but glad you got him looking straight. Cheers Shreyas
  16. Shreyas Mantri


    Thanks Anette, Andre and Morkel! @ Morkel, this is one of the 3 brothers from the Olifantsbad waterhole (close to Okaukuejo). Let's see if you find them there in the following weeks .... pretty green about your upcoming trip :w3
  17. Shreyas Mantri

    B/W Gemsbok

    Gabriela, this is a fine image :5 The popping eye contact, the galloping pose gives a sense of panic, and couldn't be better as it's heading towards you! My only wish that it was a little away from you (or if you had a shorter focal length), such that you had more control over the...
  18. Shreyas Mantri


    Thanks for the suggestions, folks! I did work up the blues on the very bright stones, but will give it another look. Shreyas
  19. Shreyas Mantri

    Three Cheetah Teens

    Excellent image, and I especially like the toning you've give it! Enjoyed it a lot! TFS
  20. Shreyas Mantri

    Lions Portrait

    Quite an in-your-face shot! I like everything about the framing and composition, and would definitely look into slight burning of the highlights on the chin and under the nose. TFS