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  1. Giovanni Frescura

    coyotes fighting

    What you think ...better ? Thanks
  2. Giovanni Frescura

    coyotes fighting

    Thanks a lot...but I would like a different shot and for this reason i made bw Ciao
  3. Giovanni Frescura

    coyotes fighting

    Hello it isn't a big crop only a little. I put grain inside for conversion becouse I like it in bw. I decided to leave space in the other side to give more dinamism to the action Thanks for your words
  4. Giovanni Frescura

    coyotes fighting

    Canon 7d mark II Canon 500 f.4 is II plus extender 1,4 1/3200 f.5,6 iso 400
  5. Giovanni Frescura


    Thanks a lot arash...the situation for virus in Italy s very bad...and I, at the moment, am well I will try to put out red and grey
  6. Giovanni Frescura


    this normal...
  7. Giovanni Frescura


    I tried for a high key pp...What you think I should do for better ? Thanks
  8. Giovanni Frescura


    a different way to see a situation..but i am no sure if it could be interestin Thanks for your notice about Canon 1dx mark II Canon 500 f.4 is II iso 1000 f.8 1/6400
  9. Giovanni Frescura

    Snowy Owl in another perspective

    very interesting a different shoot ..very very nice
  10. Giovanni Frescura

    Red Kites

    Nice dinamic coposition e details. Coild be possible have more blur to cancel the fence ..but it is nice
  11. Giovanni Frescura

    snowy owl

    this is better ?
  12. Giovanni Frescura

    snowy owl

    Thanks for your reply and help. I will try as yours. No problem for raw if you will send me your mail to snd file by wetrasfer Thanks
  13. Giovanni Frescura

    snowy owl

    Hello I like it for the position of the face inside the wings..but i am no sure that is fine only for me ! Canon 1dx mark II Canon 500 f.4 is II iso 1250 f.8 1/6400
  14. Giovanni Frescura

    Dunlin Silhouette

    a good idea. WEll done
  15. Giovanni Frescura

    Purple Sandpiper

    I like it. the detail up are very ok
  16. Giovanni Frescura

    American Pipit

    I like it. The color of the background is perfect
  17. Giovanni Frescura

    Theme Northern Cardinal

    Hello The photo is fine...Iwould like try with more details of the snow upper
  18. Giovanni Frescura

    pallas cat 2

    Canon 7d Mark II Canon 70/200 is II plus extender 1,4 iso 800 f.9 1/1600
  19. Giovanni Frescura

    Pallas cat

    This is better also if without a background ?
  20. Giovanni Frescura

    Pallas cat

    Canon 7d mark II Canon 70/200 f.2,8 plus extender 1,4 iso 1800 1/5000 f,8