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  1. John Whaley

    Red-winged Blackbird at sunset

    A gorgeous image Issac. RWBB are probably one of the easiest birds to capture and one of the hardest birds to capture a compelling image of. No critique needed. One of the best I have seen. TFS
  2. John Whaley

    Can you hear me now?

    Got it. I thought that is what you meant but was not sure if there was something else I should know. I have done similar in LR with a brush and reduced exposure / highlights.
  3. John Whaley

    Can you hear me now?

    Thanks for the feedback Issac. I have the bird on its own layer but I am unsure what you mean specifically by "burn the bright spots". How does one burn the bright spots? Thanks
  4. John Whaley

    Daddy Falcon

    An awesome capture Arash. I love the banking pose with direct eye contact and look back HA. Tack focus and complimentary smooth background.
  5. John Whaley

    Kori Bustard

    I have never seen a Kori Bustard so thanks for sharing the image. Sharp with good feather detail, a bright clear eye and the background compliments. I would be tempted to remove the grass on the body as well.
  6. John Whaley


    Beautiful subtle colors. The background compliments as does the shallow dof.
  7. John Whaley

    Can you hear me now?

    An adult male Osprey preening after bringing a fish back to the nest. He is spending a lot of time fishing these days with 3 hungry chicks and "devotes much time to keeping his plumage in good condition, removing fish scales and reapplying oil from the preen gland above the tail to keep his...
  8. John Whaley

    Burrowing Owl with Prey

    Agree with the advice given. A wonderful capture but unfortunately the noise is distracting and given the low light I understand using f4 but I think the image would have benefited with greater dof. With the ISO already @ 6400 fill flash would have been a good option here.
  9. John Whaley

    Hoary-headed Grebe

    Wow - A+, 100, gold star. Agree with Gail. One of the best I have in some time with beautiful light on the calm water.
  10. John Whaley

    Red-Necked Grebe

    Wonderful image Gail. Amazing IQ given the large crop, with beautiful subtle light and creamy background. I like the open beak pose, direct eye contact with low pov and would have expected to find the busy foreground distracting but it works here.
  11. John Whaley

    Short-billed Dowitcher

    John - I like the pose and the subtle blue water color but I believe your lens may have had spray or dust on it. I can see many small spots across the entire image.
  12. John Whaley

    harris hawk harassment...

    Wow - Killer image. The IQ is over the top with great timing, tack focus and detail. I love the pose of Mockingbird in full harass mode. The whites at the top of the tail feathers look hot on my monitor.
  13. John Whaley

    Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)

    A wonderful image Jon. The Puffins have to be one of the most photogenic birds I have seen. They have beautiful colors and are very expressive. I am not usually a fan of up angle pov but it works here as does the oof second bird. tfs
  14. John Whaley

    Dowitcher low light flight

    I know from experience how hard it is to capture shore birds in flight. Especially at eye level pov and coming towards the camera. Well done here. I like the water background and the down wing position. Exposure looks right for a cloudy day on my monitor.
  15. John Whaley

    Black Tern

    I like this one Stuart. I have always been a fan of banking wing BIF images. Looks like tack focus and I like the water background. Sounds like good advice from Issac.
  16. John Whaley

    Lilac-breasted Roller

    A beautiful image Bill. A great perch and complimentary background. Gorgeous colors and fine feather detail on the L-B Roller.
  17. John Whaley

    Osprey with Striper

    This male Osprey feeds his family nothing but the best. He had a Flounder yesterday. 1/3200, f6.3, auto ISO 450, 500 f4E + 1.4III, D850.
  18. John Whaley

    dirt for dinner again...

    I stand corrected.
  19. John Whaley

    caracara take-off

    Looks tack sharp with high IQ and I like the up wing with outstretched talons pose. Unfortunately I think the Caracara has already passed you by in this one.
  20. John Whaley

    Great Egret

    Thanks David. I was too close and had too much lens to get the entire reflection in this one. Actually I believe the close shoreline had tall grass that made getting it impossible here or I might have tried the image without the 1.4III.