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  1. D

    Follow-up to HELP...HELP...HELP...

    Hi David, The best thing is to track down Chris Ober in the membership list and he will fix it up for you. I also have mine set for auto renewal with Paypal and am going to cancel that. BPN has also been sending out a renewal notice so that is the way I will go in the future. Certainly during...
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    Short-eared Owl

    A very nice environmental version of a se'd owl. I also like the blue at top and would have preferred owl a bit more right in the frame. Nice job in adding some contrast to the owl to make it pop off the bg. I also like the cool, blue color throughout the photo. It adds to an early morning or...
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    Eurasian coot porträt

    Boy you were a long way from the coot. You must be very happy with the combo and being able to get such sharp shots.
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    Emerald Swallowtail

    LOvely looking colors on the butterfly. Nice and sharp. Well done on the sharpening as it looks like an easy photo to over sharpen with all the small detailed contrast. A tough bg to work with but after 5 years still a very nice photo.
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    Great Gray Owl Feather.

    Backlighting really accentuates the "camo" look to the feather. A cheap set of Kenko tubes would allow you to get close and magnify it even more if you were interested. Lovely stuff.
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    Yellow Flower

    Oops. ISO was 800. I could have gone to ISO 1600 and possible dropped ss a bit also. Randy for the dark smudge is it on the edge and same height as bottom of flower? It could be in the area I removed the bg elements. Tks.
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    Clay colored thrush

    A really neat looking set up and choice of a perch. Pose and bird look really good. I also like the nice long crop as presented.
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    Northern Harrier-Female

    LOvely flyby pose and colors. Good comments about the intersecting bg and living with what you get. I could also see this a looser crop. Very well done.
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    Yellow Flower

    Yes I had the same feeling about the long stem, especially the oof part. I felt better about the longer crop however so went the way as presented. I'll have another look at it. Thks,
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    Dandy photo Jonathan. Pose, perch, focus, exposure and bg all look top notch.
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    Very cute pose and lovely bg as well. IQ held up well for such a large crop.
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    You certainly pick some interesting looking critters Steve. Interesting comments by Jon, and I went back to have another look at the mole cricket. Although the shadow is not as distinct with the beetle it is there and could be accentuated if you wanted. I might just remove the one little...
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    Yellow Flower

    From last summer while looking up at the cloud covered sky. 5DIII, 100mm, f/8, 1/200, Cropped, rotated and a few bg elements and specks on the flower removed.
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    An Intereting and Disturbing Trailer

    Some may be interested in this. It is hard to know what to think after watching it. I really thought twice about posting this so close to the post announcing the lovely "Winners of the Year" photos.
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    egret in pose

    I like it. The egret really pops off that dark dreamy bg. It will be interesting to see what the other comments are on ha but works with the nice dark bg. I would have a look at removing the blue from the whites or from the photo and decide what you like.
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    Sanderling from a paradise beach

    A very nice looking Sanderling apparently keeping a watchful eye on you as it scurries by. I really like the nice texture of the thin bit of water laying over the nice sandy beach. I think the DoF helps a lot with this. If you do cloning and cleanups I would remove the specular highlights on the...
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    Swallow tail with V1/FT1/85mm 3.5 VR macro

    It is a great looking butterfly. I really like how nice and square it is to the sensor. Also how it appears translucent as if the light were coming from the far side. Nicely processed and really good positioning. If anything and if available a bit more room on top and to the left. A very eye...
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    A sign of Spring!

    Lovely colors on the butterfly. Nicely focused and exposed. Randy's repost makes a nice improvement. Just missing the darn leaf tip.
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    Common morpho and drops

    Well done on the repost Randy. The bit of cropping required got us a bit closer to the butterfly and cleaning up some of the specular highlights also creates a smoother looking image.
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    Common morpho and drops

    Lovely color on the butterfly and nicely exposed as well. I am surprised there are not really bright specular highlights from the flash. I like the brightness of the b'fly but could see the leaf a bit brighter. The composition is fine but I just have an urge to rotate the image so butterfly is...