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  1. Nancy A Elwood

    The Little Huntress is Back

    Kiran simply stunning in everyway!!
  2. Nancy A Elwood

    Lilac Breasted Roller

    Ken one of my favorite African birds! Lovely composition and I agree with Roger's suggestions. Great catch!
  3. Nancy A Elwood

    Theme Blue Cypress Osprey

    This past season at Blue Cypress Lake here in Florida was terrific and I cannot wait for the next season in the Spring! This image was taken with the Nikon D300 and Nikon 70-300VR, iso 640, f/8, 1/1600, post processed in NX2.
  4. Nancy A Elwood

    First Place Winner in the National Wildlife Federation Photo Contest

    Thanks everyone for the nice congrats!! Artie as soon as I get that I will post it. I know they told me my image would start appearing on their website the middle of November and featured in their Dec/Jan magazine. The part of their website winners will be posted is...
  5. Nancy A Elwood

    First Place Winner in the National Wildlife Federation Photo Contest

    I was thrilled to receive the email a few days ago saying I had won first place in the baby animals category, pro level, of the National Wildlife Federation Photography Contest!! Certainly made my day, week, and year!:bg3: This was the winning image.
  6. Nancy A Elwood

    Mr. Woody - getting fired up for the fall season

    Just lovely Randy! I have yet to get Woodies. Like the pose and the BG colors, very complimentary.
  7. Nancy A Elwood

    American Oystercatcher in a Sandstorm.

    I like it Karl! The wind made the BG even more pleasing. The detail on the bird is really nice.
  8. Nancy A Elwood

    Motif- Least Tern with its very young chick

    I got to know of a nice colony of least terns this past spring and was fortunate to get several weekends with them. This one was taken with the Nikon D300s and Nikon 500 f/4 with a 1.4 TC, 1/640, iso 1000, f/7.1.
  9. Nancy A Elwood

    Theme: Juvenile Black Skimmer

    Herb this one is just superb!! Great detail!
  10. Nancy A Elwood

    Wood Duck flight.

    Love the warmer original one Daniel! Lovely colors and details!
  11. Nancy A Elwood

    Bald Eagle with Scraps

    Matt great action caught!! Love the eye contact! If you could add canvas left and right, more to left, would be even better. But certainly terrific as presented.
  12. Nancy A Elwood

    I Am Taller

    Well, I know I have not been around for awhile. Very busy with art shows and such. But anyway, was very recently following two Sandhill Crane nests. I was fortunate to have them get very confortable with us being around, so had some fantastic photographic opportunities!:S3: These chicks are only...
  13. Nancy A Elwood

    Circle B - Booming with All Types of Activity Right Now

    Circle B Bar Reserve I have a note on this with some images on my blog, . I will definitely return!
  14. Nancy A Elwood

    Viera Bald Eagle

    Thanks Layton and Denise! No Denise I did not catch this one vertically, but next time I want to try.:)
  15. Nancy A Elwood

    Great Blue Portrait

    Lovely detail and sharpness Sid!!
  16. Nancy A Elwood

    Viera Bald Eagle

    I have been sooo busy lately with out of town family and art shows, but now have sometime to myself. I went out to my favorite place the Viera Wetlands and was thrilled to see lots of raptor activitly. This eagle I just waited, focused on it, on the perch, till it finally flew. This was the...
  17. Nancy A Elwood

    Viera Wetlands Update from Sunday Nov 28

    Viera Update I was at Viera this past weekend, Sat and Sun. Check my blog
  18. Nancy A Elwood

    guide to nikon capture Nx2

    Jason is VERY good at explaining all the steps!
  19. Nancy A Elwood

    guide to nikon capture Nx2

    Jason Odell's ebook is very good!! That is how I learned NX2.