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    You Tube ....Lenses for Bird and Nature Photography: Birds As Art Style by Artie Morris

    Thank you so much for posting this link. I had to laugh and repeat to my husband, what Artie said at first about it isn't the lens. I've been wanting to purchase a 500 for long time, but the money is probably better spent learning how to work with the lenses I have. I am looking forward to...
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    Peregrine Falcon Preening

    Congratulations on capturing this magnificent bird. They are high on my wish list. So cool to hear how your approach was so careful! Great work. Nancy
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    Red Tailed Hawk Taking Off

    Great timing here. I think the lighting looks good on my monitor. Nancy
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    Close-up Redhead

    Beautiful colors and nice eye contact. Nancy
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    Wacom Intuos4 tablet anyone?

    Thanks for posting this thread, Steve. I've tried it and found I was uncoordinated, but think as I practice it will be easier than using the mouse. I would love to hear more discussion on its use too.
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    How often do you send camera and lens for cleaning and adj.

    Thanks for the advice, Grant. I think I will send them both in. Nancy
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    Interview with ETL Moderator Kerry Perkins

    This is a great interview! I have always admired your work, Kerry. It is nice to hear more about you.
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    Red Bellied Woodpecker

    Thank you Joel. I am going to check it out. Artie has done so much good work and has help so many people freely, I would never want to ask for a copy. I am pretty familiar with Photoshop, but would benefit from new ideas. Thanks Nancy
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    How often do you send camera and lens for cleaning and adj.

    First, thank you for all the help I have received from this great forum. I don't get here as often as I'd like to due to work etc. I have the Canon 7D and 100-400 lens. I fell with the camera in had and the camera and lens hit the ground with me. It seems to be working OK, I've been checking...
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    Red Bellied Woodpecker

    Joel, I always enjoy your images. I love the bright eye. I'd like to hear more about what you said. I use the basic conversion recipe from Artie's Digital Basics (well worth investment for any newbies to photoshop) Thanks Nancy
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    Great tit feeding

    Nice pose on a very cute bird. I agree about the focus, but enjoyed seeing this bird. Have fun working on it. I sure am jealous of that long lens. Nancy
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    Canon 7D auto focus custom III menu question

    Thank you Steve. I am going to do some more experimenting with checking for rear and front focus. I think many of my focus problems may be operator error. Thanks for the help. Nancy
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    Canon 7D auto focus custom III menu question

    Thank you for your input Jonathan. I am sorry I missed your reply earlier. I will check out that seminar. Thanks again. Nancy
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    Broad-billed Hummingbird

    Beautiful hummer Gus. I like the first image best. I think you had good detail and the second one looks a bit too sharp. However, I am viewing on a laptop and it is not always the best judge of sharpness. Your hummers are great!
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    Great Egret

    Great capture Ian. I love seeing these great bird perched on high trees. Very nice!
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    Northern Harrier at The BdP

    Bob, this is a great first post. Great eye contact and seeing the feathers around his feet, are a nice addition.
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    Eurasian wigeon

    Very nice Wigeon, Richard. I like how the light hits him lighting up his side and head. Great detail as well.
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    Mandarin Duck

    Beautiful Kerry. The colors really pop! Great detail also.
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    Anna's Hummingbird (M)

    Gus, this is one of my favorites of your hummer shots.
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    Beautiful portrait, but I agree about toning down the BG. Great image of the Hawk.