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  1. D

    7D II vs 5D III image files

    It's becoming obvious to me that I need to upgrade my processing skills along with a camera upgrade. Any suggestions for where to start with reading to help with that? I am considering switching to DPP for processing. If I do, then I will invest in you and Artie's guide for that. But processing...
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    7D II vs 5D III image files

    So any way to overcome, or are we, users of the Mk II, just stuck with softer photos?
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    northern pintail

    I don't comment here often, and post less, but this is too beautiful to pass without commenting. I agree with cropping a bit off of the bottom, otherwise, I love it.
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    New Canon 100-400 launched

    I agree with you Daniel, I love the push/pull zoom on mine.
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    The Skinny on the 7D II/Part I

    Artie, you seem somewhat skeptical.
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    Tis a gathering...(Bonaparte's Gulls).

    I like the composition and the extremely low angle, and the background, even the reflection. I only wish the two birds on the right didn't merge at the beak, and looked more like the birds on the left.
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    Great Egret tossing a fish

    Nice action shot.
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    EF vs EF-S lenses

    Thanks Arash and Doug.
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    EF vs EF-S lenses

    I don't necessarily want to use them, I just want to know the difference between the two and where they can and cannot be used, and why. Thanks for your response.
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    EF vs EF-S lenses

    Only applies to FF? They can be safely used on the 1D Mk III and Mk IV?
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    EF vs EF-S lenses

    I have a question regarding the two lenses. Do the EF-S lenses physically extend further into camera? I am not concerned about any vignetting or similar issues but only the physical differences. If there is a physical difference, any photos showing the difference would be nice. I have searched...
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    In-the Field Nature Photography Ethics as I See Them

    I can accept when the person(s) doing the disruption is say a beach comber, or a jogger, even a birder, but it infuriates me when it is another photographer.
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    Wildlife photographer pleads guilty to violating Endangered Species Act

    First let me say that I hope this is not your last post here. While I don't post much here or anywhere, when it comes to the technical side of photography, I value your opinion. Second, my frustration, and confusion, about this case, comes from what you said about the regulations. It should not...
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    Wildlife photographer pleads guilty to violating Endangered Species Act

    I don't want to hijack the thread, but you haven't cleared anything up for me. I am confused to what you were initially trying to say, and your response didn't help. Thanks for responding.
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    Wildlife photographer pleads guilty to violating Endangered Species Act

    Are you saying that if I am standing there and an eagle flies in and lands next to me, I am supposed to leave the area?
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    Dad in the Hospital

    Wish you the best and continue to recover.
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    Wildlife photographer pleads guilty to violating Endangered Species Act

    I don't know Jim, but by all accounts here, he is an honorable man, with nothing but regards for the wildlife he loves to photograph. Without turning this into a political debate, I do know that it wouldn't take much of a search to find many examples of what to me seems to be an out of control...
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    Looking for Love

    I like as presented. I like the subject and the foggy adds to the photo. I do have a question, not a critique, just a learning question. I see you were zoomed to 235mm, then cropped to 75%. Did you change your mind after seeing the photo, crop out distracting elements...? Would love to be able...
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    My Moments of Marvel in 2013

    Very nice. I think my favorite was Dawn Patrol.
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    Chipping Sparrow by Eliot Porter - Using Nests for Bird Photography

    I had an American Robin build a nest 10-15' from an upstairs bedroom window. I photographed from the time the nest was started until the young hatched. I photographed the adults coming to the nest, feeding the chicks, etc. I kept the draperies closed as much as possible with only the lens barrel...