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  1. S

    Theme Cook Inlet Bearscape

    Nice composition for me Rachel - good to see them in their environment. As you say light is harsh which doesn't show up the mountains to their best I feel but still works as an image. What is going on in the midground on the left of the frame where the water meets the dark brown bank (a little...
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    High Key Hare

    Thanks Rachel and Keith. I did try even whiter but then it looked a bit overdone, I guess it's a matter of personal preference so would be interested in what others think on this point. I liked this one because he was so hunkered down but again there are so many viewpoints one can take of these...
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    High Key Hare

    Another one of the mountain hares. This guy is sitting just below a little ridge. I processed this one with a bit more of a high key approach on the background (toned it down a bit on the hare to keep some colour). 7D mark ii & Sigma 500 f4 tripod mounted @ f/8, 1/1000 sec, ISO 200
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    Theme Mating Pair?

    Great detail on the bears Rachel and I like the comp.
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    Had Enough...

    I think it works well - looks like there is a spotlight on the leopard.
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    Mountain Hare in snow

    Thanks Rachel. I chose this one to share due to the conditions it portrays in contrast to the previous portrait. I have some more so maybe can share another viewpoint of the hares. I agree the oof snow is not that interesting, I cropped some out already but could potentially have gone further...
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    Mountain Hare in snow

    That's right. It wasn't actually snowing, what you see is spindrift being blown about by the wind. Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
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    Mountain Hare in snow

    Different take on the hare to my previous post. This is the full width of the frame but cropped top and bottom in a bit as there wasn't any interest. Canon 7D mark ii & Sigma 500mm f4 tripod mounted @ f/8, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400
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    Scarlet Macaw

    Looks good to me if a little noisy, guess not much you could do about that though looking at the settings.
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    Theme The end of the dry.

    Does look a bit dark but great moody sky here.
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    Mountain Hare Portrait

    Thanks for the comments. I have had another go based on suggestions: bit more added to the frame and I sharpened the body of the hare less then added more sharpening just to the head and eye.
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    Mountain Hare Portrait

    Thanks for the comments. Steve - this is pretty much the full frame, I have some others from further away though. Focus point is on the eye - looks OK at 100%. Good suggestion on the highlights. And yes, this was with Andy.
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    Mountain Hare Portrait

    Just got back from a week in the Scottish Highlands. Being out in the snow and wind gives a real appreciation for what the wildlife has to put up with - this mountain hare was taking a pummelling from the wind and snow. Spent nearly two hours photographing this hare working slowly closer. This...
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    Hare in a snowy gale

    Lovely shot of this hare in it's environment. Having just spent some time with hares myself can appreciate the conditions they put up with which comes across in your image.
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    This snipe provided some distraction whilst waiting (unsuccessfully) for a Bittern to emerge from the reeds at the London Wetland Centre. The background is very busy and the bird is obscured quite a bit but I liked the head being clear and seeing the full length of the bill. This was taken from...
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    Eurasian siskin

    The siskin stands out well against the background. I don't mind the perch - the colours are quite muted compared to the siskin so it doesn't detract too much for me.
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    Theme Bear Family

    This looks good Rachel - like the grass in the Mother bear's mouth. Being critical I think I'd like to see the bears positioned lower in the frame with less foreground and more of the forest behind them. Still a nice looking image though :) Out of interest what's a TK lumo mask?
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    Image size way too large

    I have the same issue when viewing on my laptop screen. I find it fairly straightforward to zoom out to view an image then zoom back to 100% immediately after so text size is not an issue. In Windows you can use Ctrl & + or - as a shortcut which makes it easy to view. On my desktop 27"...
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    Dinner Time

    Thanks for the offer. I don't know Neil, this was with a photographer called Andy Howard. Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
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    Dinner Time

    Thanks for the coments and taking the time to explain. Will have another go at the edit. Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk