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  1. D

    A Question for Arash et al...

    If the card is performing as it should, in other does not have a problem, no degradation of the image will occur over time even after repeated formatting. I've got cards from 2004 that still work perfectly, the only problem is that they are small by today's standards.
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    Lens Micro Adjustment

    All I can say is that this is his actual experience doing many 100's of camera/lens MA's. He himself is a Nikon shooter who switched from Canon a # of years ago when Canon had focusing issues that they refused to admit/address. In his testing he has found that Canon's new series II lenses out...
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    Lens Micro Adjustment

    I believe there is a big difference in the need for routine micro-adjustment between Canon and Nikon. It seems that Nikon's need MA to a much greater degree than Canon according to someone who does MA as a business.
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    Opening RAW image file in CS6 directly or use raw converter 8.0

    I would also note that there seems to be slightly better tonal separation using ACR in the posted images. To me this is extremely important as I do B&W's where tonal separation is very important when creating an image that doesn't have a lot of contrast and keeping detail in the shadows is...
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    Temporary insurance

    Typically if you have home owners insurance you get a "Rider" on that policy when you buy it for a very short period of time.
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    EOS 5DR!

    It would surprise me that you could get the MF 3D effect with a 5DS or R. This camera according to DPR is using essentially the same sensor as the 7D II (just a FF version of it) and I have not heard anyone comment that the images from the 7D II have a 3D MF look about them. It's the pixel size...
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    New Canon Firmware

    Just an FYI that sometimes there are updated items in the firmware that are not mentioned in the descriptions about the update. I always update to the latest release - not right out the door but after it has had a shake down for a bit.
  8. D

    Upgrading to Adobe Photoshop CS 6.

    Karl the only benefit you'd get is the ability to get the latest PS Camera RAW for converting any new camera(s) that aren't in CS 5 Camera RAW, as CS 5 isn't updated any longer. This can be very important if you import RAW files that you've worked on in LR for instance. For me to be able to go...
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    Focus Stacking

    I use the same.
  10. D

    Focus stacking

    I would add to Don's info that a good Focusing Rail makes getting good focus stacks much easier. If you start with the closest part of your subject make sure that you leave a little extra area around your subject. I have found that when the software stacks all the images you lose some border...
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    Problem with Canon 7D Mark II Light Indicator Scale in Manual Mode.

    But that is not the case if you wear glasses as you can't get your eye close enough to get into the right spot.
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    Using Star Button to lock focus. Canon 7D

    I don't have a 7DII but on the 7D if I remember correctly in order to set the * button to be primary focus you also have to turn off the shutter release focus.
  13. D

    7d MKII and LR4 and CS5 question

    LR4 and CS5 will never be able to convert 7DII or any other newly released camera files (released after the date that LR5 and CS6 were released). Adobe only updates the current/latest releases of their software. So if you want to process RAW images in PS or LR you need to upgrade to the latest...
  14. D

    Moving over to the Creative Cloud?

    One thing to keep in mind is if in your workflow you go from LR5 directly into PS CS4 ​without first converting from RAW to another PS format. I do many trips directly to PS CS6, without first converting the RAW image as ACR can convert the image on the fly when the image is opened in CS6.You'll...
  15. D

    Moving over to the Creative Cloud?

    You folks are correct I should have said (and now have corrected in my first post) "without first converting from RAW to another PS format. I do many trips directly to PS CS6, without first converting the RAW image as ACR can convert the image on the fly when the image is opened in CS6".
  16. D

    Moving over to the Creative Cloud?

    One thing to keep in mind is if in your workflow you go from LR5 directly into PS CS4 without first making a Tiff; you'll have a problem because CS4 won't be able to read your 1DX RAW files because ACR (Adobe Camera RAW) in CS4 won't be able to convert the 1DX RAW file. If this is one of the...
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    Camera & Lens Straps

    And attach it to the lens foot it that makes for a better balance - it certainly would for a 500mm.
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    You can focus stack from LR. Just import your images into LR as usual. Then select all the images you want to stack. Then right click (not sure how to do it on a Mac). From the menu that appears select Edit In then open as layers in PS at the bottom of the list. All your images open in layers in...
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    I would try removing the LR 5 software and reinstalling a new download. Sounds like something may have corrupted the software.
  20. D

    ISO advice

    Joe, what camera(s) are you using? All cameras are not created equal when it comes to pushing ISO.