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  1. Kurt_Horne

    Looking for a little sharpness advice

    Thanks Andreas, the image was just for illustration of the sharpness issue, I agree there are lots of other things which don't make this a 'keeper'. Not the least of which is subject being too dark :) I too was puzzled as to why the sharpness wasn't greater. I can try spot focus on the head...
  2. Kurt_Horne

    Two better than one ?

    You know I'll take images that make me smile just as much as images that make me go "wow". Both are of equal value!
  3. Kurt_Horne

    Knot (Calidris canutus)

    Very active birds and good on you for getting belly down in the sand for this great shot. Only possible critique I could say is that the line of the water seems slightly leaned to the left, not sure if it really needs straightening I'd have to open it in an editor and I'm here taking an eye...
  4. Kurt_Horne

    Two better than one ?

    Had to laugh at the pose of the tit which looks like it chocked on the bait and had to cough something up :)
  5. Kurt_Horne

    Banking To Land (Myrtle Warbler)

    I'd agree with Jonathan, things are pretty sharp, but perfect sharp, for this close in but I think more space would actually suit the image better such it's such as active shot.
  6. Kurt_Horne

    Brent Goose (Branta bernicla)

    I like this, pleasing colours and pose. Not massive impactful image but one I think many would like on their wall. Could possibly have gotten a bit lower, but from one who doesn't really like getting down in the muck, I can't say much lol.
  7. Kurt_Horne

    Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)

    Love the pose on this and the smooth texture of the water. Still a capture list bird for me. I've only ever seen them on an industrial dock far out of town. Not the nicest setting to photograph one :)
  8. Kurt_Horne

    Looking for a little sharpness advice

    Thanks Jonathan, some good things to try.
  9. Kurt_Horne

    Looking for a little sharpness advice

    Sometimes it seems to me sharpness is luck, but it shouldn't be. Too often parts or whole elements of my image are not sharp. Many time I can narrow down the cause, too low of an f relative to the distance, focus points grabbing onto something else, too low of a SS, or just really crappy light...
  10. Z62_0430.jpg


  11. Kurt_Horne

    Small In The Frame Wood Duck In Winter Wonderland.

    You created a great opportunity here with the ice, silver thaw, and a very contrasted colourful wood duck!
  12. Kurt_Horne

    Fall Colour Background (Northern Pygmy Owl)

    That's a fantastic pose, detail, and framing.
  13. Kurt_Horne

    Third Trip (Short-Eared Owl)

    I'm actually partial to the 2nd image as well. So much a personal preference on this It's some cold days to be out in Ladner! Really like the positioning and eye contact by the way, that's gold.
  14. Kurt_Horne

    Purple Finch

    Lovely post and image. Though I am thinking this is a House Finch, the colouring and body shape don't quite seem to match with a Purple Finch. I tried Merlin ID on your photo which also identified it as a House Finch. Fun fact, the Merlin bird of the day is a House Finch and I'm watching a male...
  15. Kurt_Horne

    Hammersmith in action ....

    This really shows the action, love the small shell pieces around the breast and the big piece off in mid air, all with a great balance of sharp and blur. I know you were trying to get a little action blur on the bird with a lower SS. Would have loved to see that, but this is already an...
  16. Kurt_Horne

    Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)

    Fantastic, I appreciate seeing the frost and the bottom stick is no issue for me. If you want super nits, there is a tiny white spec under the beak - really only seen if zoomed in. The back of the head also seems slightly soft. But really I am in envy of an image this nice and personally not...
  17. Kurt_Horne

    Post a Photo

    Good enough to make a viewer hungry :)
  18. Kurt_Horne

    Her highness

    Thanks Steve, a good idea on a trial for Lr. I will give that a shot!
  19. Kurt_Horne

    Her highness

    Hey Steve, I've never liked those in camera features, they sounds cool but turn out gimmicky IMHO so have left everything default. That is SD picture control and no creative options. I was looking around on some Nikon forums after your comments on saturation and anyone wanting to dial things...
  20. Kurt_Horne

    Her highness

    Thanks Andreas, Lot's to digest for sure. As far as camera setting go, I do try to keep it as simple as possible, not choosing any of the picture modification or enhancement options. I did explore exposing to the right using the on screen histogram for a while, but still found whites...