24th October South Africa Bird Photo Challenge


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Lifetime Member
Sep 24, 2009
Swaziland, Africa
In case you have not heard about it the following is an extract from a website promoting a 24 hour Bird Photo Challenge for South Africa to be held on 24th October 2009 - supported by Bird Life South Africa, Birding Africa and others:

On Saturday 24 October 2009 birders with cameras across South Africa will be taking part in the 350-24-24 Bird Photo Challenge — an unprecedented attempt to photograph 350 species of birds within South Africa within 24 hours and post the pictures on the internet by the end of the next day. Phew! We’ll be getting out our cameras to raise awareness of birding, bird conservation and climate change, one of the biggest threats to birds and people we now face. On 24 October thousands and thousands of people in more than 140 countries are going to be doing all sorts of creative things to raise awareness of climate change, and we’re going to be part of the action.

the website to register is: http://350.birdingafrica.com/

Should be fun

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