- Ver.1.01
Hello everyone!
I happen to have so many images of Redbilled Oxpeckers, all taken recently... I cannot help but sharing another one, hope you are not bored with them.
About 20% crop and minimal processing, this frame was taken late afternoon in very sweet light. My subject is hanging on for dear life, the Buffalo he is perched upon is on the move but oh-so-many-ticks available, so our little chap is not giving up his position
Nikon D3S
Nikon 500mm F4
ISO 2000
If you are wondering about high ISO, this is because the bird was at first trying to nibble at the buffalo's ear and that was a bit of a shady area. The buffalo kept shaking his head vigorously and suddenly my Oxpecker landed on the animal's back, I only had seconds to grab a few frames so I only worried about camera settings later
Thank you so much for viewing and for kind comments on my previous images, I really appreciate it.